有没有办法 运行 在 Scalatest 和 Playspec 中只选择测试

Is there a way to run only selected tests in Scalatest and Playspec


class UserControllerUnitSpec extends PlaySpec {
"some A" should {
 "do stuff" in {

"some B" should {
 "do stuff" in {

"some C" should {
 "do stuff" in {

我可以 运行 所有规格或只有 1 个规格。有没有办法让我 运行 只说第一个和第三个规范?例如,在 jasmine 中,我可以用 x 标记一个测试用例,以将其从 运行ning 中排除。 ScalatestPlayspec有没有类似的选项?

根据 ScalaTest documentation:

-t argument allows a test to be selected by its (complete) test name.

例如运行你套件中的第一个和第三个测试,输入sbt shell,然后写

testOnly UserControllerUnitSpec -- -t "some A should do stuff" -t "some C should do stuff"