如何在 AWS CDK PolicyStatement AddAction 方法中嵌套键值对?

How do I nest a KeyValue pair within AWS CDK PolicyStatement AddAction method?

我目前正在尝试使用带有 .NET 应用程序的 AWS CDK 复制另一个开发人员的 powershell 脚本功能。他正在使用 VaporShell 生成 CloudFormation 模板 (YAML)。我把 CloudFormation 模板放在下面(我已经为这个 post 做了很多通用名称)。我放了一个箭头指向让我头疼的键值对。

    Type: AWS::SNS::Topic
      DisplayName: 'SNS topic'
      TopicName: 'SNS Topic'
    Type: AWS::SNS::TopicPolicy
        - !Ref 'rSNSTopic'
          - Condition:
                AWS:SourceOwner: 'CurrentAcct' <=== This is the key/value pair.
              - SNS:Publish
              - SNS:RemovePermission
              - SNS:SetTopicAttributes
              - SNS:DeleteTopic
              - SNS:ListSubscriptionsByTopic
              - SNS:GetTopicAttributes
              - SNS:Receive
              - SNS:AddPermission
              - SNS:Subscribe
            Resource: !Ref 'rSNSTopic'
            Effect: Allow
            Sid: Default
              AWS: '*'
      Version: '2012-10-17'

我已经能够使用 C# 应用程序和 AWS CDK 生成另一个 CloudFormation 模板。除了生成我在上面突出显示的键值对之外,它几乎完美地工作。我曾尝试使用一个数组,生成一个新的策略声明对象并在 .NET 中使用 Key/Value 对对象。我将在下面给出这三种尝试中每一种尝试的示例以及相应的输出。有谁知道用上面显示的相同方式生成 key/value 对的方法吗?当然是在 C# 中使用 CDK。

尝试 1:使用字符串数组。

C# 代码(下):

var topic = new Topic(this, "rSNSTopic", new TopicProps
            DisplayName = "SNS topic",
            TopicName = "SNS topic"

        var topicPolicyStatement1 = new PolicyStatement(0)
            .AddActions("- SNS:Publish\n" +
                        "- SNS:RemovePermission\n" +
                        "- SNS:SetTopicAttributes\n" +
                        "- SNS:DeleteTopic\n" +
                        "- SNS:ListSubscriptionsByTopic\n" +
                        "- SNS:GetTopicAttributes\n" +
                        "- SNS:Receive\n" +
                        "- SNS:AddPermission\n" +
                        "- SNS:Subscribe\n")
               new [] {"AWS:SourceOwner", "pTestAccnt"}) <=== Using an array as the second .AddCondition parameter.
            .AddCondition("aws:SourceArn", topic.TopicArn)


已生成 key/value 对部分 CloudFormation 模板(下):

      - AWS:SourceOwner
      - TestAccnt

尝试 2:使用新的策略声明对象。

C# 代码(下):

var topic = new Topic(this, "rSNSTopic", new TopicProps
            DisplayName = "SNS topic",
            TopicName = "SNS topic"

        var topicPolicyStatement1 = new PolicyStatement(0)
            .AddActions("- SNS:Publish\n" +
                        "- SNS:RemovePermission\n" +
                        "- SNS:SetTopicAttributes\n" +
                        "- SNS:DeleteTopic\n" +
                        "- SNS:ListSubscriptionsByTopic\n" +
                        "- SNS:GetTopicAttributes\n" +
                        "- SNS:Receive\n" +
                        "- SNS:AddPermission\n" +
                        "- SNS:Subscribe\n")
               new PolicyStatement(0).AddCondition("AWS:SourceOwner", "pTestAccnt")) <=== Using a policy statement as the second .AddCondition parameter.
            .AddCondition("aws:SourceArn", topic.TopicArn)


已生成 key/value 对部分 CloudFormation 模板(下):

      Condition: <=== This solution creates a second condition key which throws an error in AWS CloudFormation.
         AWS:SourceOwner: TestAccnt <=== This key value pair looks correct.

尝试 3:使用来自 .NETnew 策略语句对象的 Key/Value 对象。

C# 代码(下):

var topic = new Topic(this, "rSNSTopic", new TopicProps
            DisplayName = "SNS topic",
            TopicName = "SNS topic"

        var topicPolicyStatement1 = new PolicyStatement(0)
            .AddActions("- SNS:Publish\n" +
                        "- SNS:RemovePermission\n" +
                        "- SNS:SetTopicAttributes\n" +
                        "- SNS:DeleteTopic\n" +
                        "- SNS:ListSubscriptionsByTopic\n" +
                        "- SNS:GetTopicAttributes\n" +
                        "- SNS:Receive\n" +
                        "- SNS:AddPermission\n" +
                        "- SNS:Subscribe\n")
               new KeyValuePair<string, string>("AWS:SourceOwner", "pTestAccnt")) <=== Using a policy statement as the second .AddCondition parameter.
            .AddCondition("aws:SourceArn", topic.TopicArn)


此方法会引发错误。我怀疑它与 JSII 运行时有关 compiling/interpreting 我在 C# 应用程序中使用的 key/value 对对象。


Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentException: Could not infer JSII type for .NET type 'KeyValuePair`2'
Parameter name: type
   at Amazon.JSII.Runtime.Services.Converters.FrameworkToJsiiConverter.InferType(IReferenceMap referenceMap, Type type)
   at Amazon.JSII.Runtime.Services.Converters.ValueConverter.ConvertAny(IReferenceMap referenceMap, Object value)
   at Amazon.JSII.Runtime.Services.Converters.ValueConverter.TryConvertPrimitive(IReferenceMap referenceMap, Object value, Boolean isOptional, PrimitiveType primitiveType, Object& result)
   at Amazon.JSII.Runtime.Services.Converters.ValueConverter.TryConvert(TypeReference typeReference, IReferenceMap referenceMap, Object value, Object& result)
   at Amazon.JSII.Runtime.Deputy.DeputyBase.<>c__DisplayClass20_0.<ConvertArguments>b__0(Parameter parameter, Object frameworkArgument)
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ZipIterator[TFirst,TSecond,TResult](IEnumerable`1 first, IEnumerable`1 second, Func`3 resultSelector)+MoveNext()
   at System.Collections.Generic.LargeArrayBuilder`1.AddRange(IEnumerable`1 items)
   at System.Collections.Generic.EnumerableHelpers.ToArray[T](IEnumerable`1 source)
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
   at Amazon.JSII.Runtime.Deputy.DeputyBase.<InvokeMethodCore>g__GetResult|18_0[T](<>c__DisplayClass18_0`1& )
   at Amazon.JSII.Runtime.Deputy.DeputyBase.InvokeMethodCore[T](JsiiMethodAttribute methodAttribute, Object[] arguments, Func`3 beginFunc, Func`3 invokeFunc)
   at Amazon.JSII.Runtime.Deputy.DeputyBase.InvokeInstanceMethod[T](Object[] arguments, String methodName)
   at HelloCdk.TestStack..ctor(App parent, String name, IStackProps props) in C:\Users\SomeUser\Documents\git\SomeGITRepo\SingleStackGenerator\src\HelloCdk\TestStack.cs:line 57
   at HelloCdk.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\SomeUser\Documents\git\SomeGITRepo\SingleStackGenerator\src\HelloCdk\Program.cs:line 18
(node:39548) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: EPIPE: broken pipe, write
    at Object.writeSync (fs.js:569:3)
    at t.SyncStdio.writeBuffer (C:\Users\SomeUser\AppData\Local\Temp\gnh3dhha.5kf\jsii-runtime.js:1:165352)
    at t.SyncStdio.writeLine (C:\Users\SomeUser\AppData\Local\Temp\gnh3dhha.5kf\jsii-runtime.js:1:164892)
    at t.InputOutput.write (C:\Users\SomeUser\AppData\Local\Temp\gnh3dhha.5kf\jsii-runtime.js:1:164341)
    at t.KernelHost.writeError (C:\Users\SomeUser\AppData\Local\Temp\gnh3dhha.5kf\jsii-runtime.js:1:79440)
    at i.then.catch.e (C:\Users\SomeUser\AppData\Local\Temp\gnh3dhha.5kf\jsii-runtime.js:1:79101)
(node:39548) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 1)
(node:39548) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
Subprocess exited with error 3762504530

我找到了解决办法。 C# 中的 "dictionary" 对象是完美的,JSII 运行时也可以编译它。


var topic = new Topic(this, "rSNSTopic", new TopicProps
    DisplayName = "SNS topic",
    TopicName = "SNS topic"

topic.AddToResourcePolicy(new PolicyStatement(
    new PolicyStatementProps
        Principals = new IPrincipal[] { new AnyPrincipal() },
        Actions = new []
        Resources = new[] { topic.TopicArn },
        Conditions = new Dictionary<string, object>
                new Dictionary<string, object> {{ "aws:SourceOwner", "pTestAccnt" } }},
                new Dictionary<string, object> {{ "aws:SourceArn", topic.TopicArn } }