ngx-mapbox-gl:溢出 div

ngx-mapbox-gl: overflowing div

我第一次尝试在 angular 7 应用程序中使用 ngx-mapbox-gl,我遇到了一些奇怪的地图问题。我希望它占据导航栏下方 100% 的 window。但由于某种原因,它占用的空间超过 window 大小。请注意我是如何丢失属性和 mapbox 徽标的?我只是希望地图适合 window,仅此而已。

这里是组件 html:

  <p>some text</p>

和 ts:

import { Component, OnInit, Input, Output, EventEmitter, OnChanges } from '@angular/core';
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs';
import { AppSettings } from '../../shared/app-settings'
import { AppSettingsService } from '../../services/app-settings.service';

import { LngLat, Map } from 'mapbox-gl';

  selector: 'app-home',
  templateUrl: './home.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./home.component.scss']
export class HomeComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges {
  private className: string;
  appSettings: AppSettings;
  appSettingsSub: Subscription;
  map: Map;
  mapStyle: string;
  _zoom: number;
  _center: LngLat;

  _mapRef: Map;

  centerChange: EventEmitter<LngLat> =  new EventEmitter;

  set zoom(z: number) {
    console.log('in zoom event');
    this._zoom = z;
    if(this.index === 0) {
  zoomChange : EventEmitter<number> = new EventEmitter;

  index: number;

  constructor(public appSettingsService: AppSettingsService) { }

  ngOnInit() {
    this.className = this.constructor.toString().match(/\w+/g)[1];
    this._zoom = 6;

    this.appSettingsSub =     this.appSettingsService.behaviorSubject.asObservable().subscribe(value => {
      this.appSettings = value;
      if ( this.appSettings.norCalMapCenter == true ) {
        this._center = new LngLat( -121.31209, 37.449904  );
      else {
        this._center = new LngLat(  -116.363804, 33.749757  );
      if (this.appSettings.theme === 'tracs-dark-theme') {
        this.mapStyle = 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/dark-v9';
      else {
        this.mapStyle = 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/outdoors-v9';

  ngOnChanges(changes) {
    if (!changes) {
  loadMap( map: Map) {
    this._mapRef = map;
    this._center = map.getCenter();

  onZoom(e) {
    this._zoom = Math.round(this._mapRef.getZoom());
    console.log('zoom event zoom:', this._zoom);


mgl-map {
  height: 100%;
  width: 100%;

另外,我无法在地图顶部显示文本。我有一个简单的段落,我想在地图顶部显示,但文本从未显示。是否需要对图层或 z 级别执行某些操作才能在地图顶部显示某些内容?

如果像这样单独设置高度 100%,它不会影响您拥有的导航栏。

您需要做的是: 高度:计算(100% - 100px)

100px 是导航栏的高度。尝试该解决方案。


您不应该需要调整z-index,而是让您的段落位置绝对化。我已经将我的地图包裹在父 div 中。我已将父项 div 设置为填充可用屏幕减去顶部工具栏的高度。然后我将地图元素的高度和宽度都设置为 100%。地图元素和段落元素都是父元素 div 的子元素。地图将默认为 position: relative,然后通过在段落上设置 position: absolute,您可以精确控制您希望它驻留的位置。


import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';
import { BreakpointObserver, Breakpoints } from '@angular/cdk/layout';
import { map, switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { Directions } from 'src/app/shared/models/directions.model';
import { NavigationService } from '../navigation.service';
import { SubSink } from 'subsink';

  selector: 'nav-to-taylor-park',
  templateUrl: './nav-to-taylor-park.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./nav-to-taylor-park.component.scss']
export class NavToTaylorParkComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {

  private _subs: SubSink = new SubSink();

  isMobile$ = this._bpObserver.observe([Breakpoints.Handset, Breakpoints.TabletPortrait])
    .pipe(map(result => result.matches)

  directions$: Observable<Directions>;

  private _profiles: any[] = [
    { name: 'driving', value: 'driving' },
    { name: 'traffic', value: 'driving-traffic' },
    { name: 'walking', value: 'walking '},
    { name: 'cycling', value: 'cycling' }

  private _selectedProfile: string = this._profiles[0].value;

    private _bpObserver: BreakpointObserver,
    private _route: ActivatedRoute,
    private _navService: NavigationService
  ) { }

  get profiles() {
    return this._profiles;

  get selectedProfile() {
    return this._selectedProfile;

  set selectedProfile(val: string) {
    this._selectedProfile = val;

  ngOnInit() {
    this.directions$ = this._route.paramMap.pipe(
      switchMap(params => {
        return this._navService.getDrivingDirections(params.get('pts'), this._selectedProfile)

    this._subs.sink = this.directions$.subscribe(dirs => console.log('Dirs in Nav Comp: ', dirs), 
      error => console.log('Error in Directions Subscription', error)


  ngOnDestroy() {
    if (this._subs) this._subs.unsubscribe();



<div [class]="(isMobile$ | async) ? 'jumbotron-fluid mobile mb-0' : 'jumbotron-fluid mb-0'">
    [center]="[-106.58305214873641, 38.89357626425448]"
    *ngIf="directions$ | async as nav">
    <mgl-control mglNavigation></mgl-control>
    <mgl-control mglFullscreen></mgl-control>
    <mgl-marker *ngFor="let pt of nav.waypoints"
      <div class="marker">{{ }}</div>
  <div class="on-map">
    This should be on top of map...


<div [class]="(isMobile$ | async) ? 'jumbotron-fluid mobile mb-0' : 'jumbotron-fluid mb-0'">
    [center]="[-106.58305214873641, 38.89357626425448]"
    *ngIf="directions$ | async as nav">
    <mgl-control mglNavigation></mgl-control>
    <mgl-control mglFullscreen></mgl-control>
    <mgl-marker *ngFor="let pt of nav.waypoints"
      <div class="marker">{{ }}</div>
  <div class="on-map">
    This should be on top of map...