GJS/GTK 为什么我不能替换 gtk 树视图模型(列)?

GJS/GTK Why can't I replace gtk treeview model (columns)?

我从一个空的 table(只有一列的列表存储)开始

我希望用户能够导入 CSV 文件并显示内容。 导入文件有效,并且确实显示了 CSV 数据,但保留了原始列(标题为 "No Data")。 我该如何摆脱它?


我在 gtk 文档中看到替换 treeView.set_model(listStore) 应该完全替换现有的模型和列,但它似乎并没有...


this._listStore = new Gtk.ListStore();

let coltypes = [GObject.TYPE_STRING];

// Create the treeview
this._treeView = new Gtk.TreeView({
  expand: true

// Create a cell renderer for when bold text is needed
let bold = new Gtk.CellRendererText({
  weight: Pango.Weight.BOLD

// Create a cell renderer for normal text
let normal = new Gtk.CellRendererText();

// Create the columns for the address book
let defCol = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn({
  title: "No Data"

// Pack the cell renderers into the columns
defCol.pack_start(bold, true);

// Set each column to pull text from the TreeView's model
defCol.add_attribute(bold, "text", 0);

// Insert the columns into the treeview
this._treeView.insert_column(defCol, 0);

然后,当 csv 文件上传时,我尝试用这样的东西更新 table:

this._listStore = new Gtk.ListStore();
// this._treeView.add(this._listStore);

let coltypes = [];
this.data.headers.forEach((h) => {




// Replace the treeview

this._treeView = new Gtk.TreeView ({
    expand: true,
    model: this._listStore });
// Create cell renderers
let normal = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
let bold = new Gtk.CellRendererText({
  weight: Pango.Weight.BOLD

// Create the columns for the address book

for (k = 0; k < this.data.headers.length; k++) {
  print('***key is : ' + k + ', val is : ' + this.data.headers[k] + ' of type : ' + typeof(this.data.headers[k]));

  // let col=k;
  this[`col_${k}`] = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn({
    title: this.data.headers[k]
  this[`col_${k}`].pack_start(normal, true);
  if (k == 0) {
    this[`col_${k}`].add_attribute(normal, "text", k);
  } else {
    this[`col_${k}`].add_attribute(normal, "text", k);
  try {
    this._treeView.insert_column(this[`col_${k}`], k);
  } catch (err) {


// Put the data in the table
let i;
for (i = 0; i < this.data.csva.length; i++) {

  let row = this.data.csva[i];
  print('trying to push : ' + row[0].toString());
  print('... the data is of type : ' + typeof(row[1]));
  let iter = this._listStore.append();

  // this._listStore.set (iter, [0, 1, 2],
  // [contact[0].toString(), contact[1].toString(), contact[2].toString()]);

  this._listStore.set(iter, Object.keys(this.data.headers), row);




您需要的是Gtk.TreeView.remove_column()。在 Python 中,这将是:

for column in this._treeView.get_columns():

每次在从 CSV 中添加列之前需要删除树视图中的所有列时,您当然会这样做。