如何使用 For Each Loop 获取 Name/Value of Request.Querystring 但发送顺序相同?

How to fetch Name/Value of Request.Querystring using For Each Loop but in the same order sent?

我试图使用 For Each 循环获取查询字符串的 Name/Value,根据 @kloarubeek 显示的答案在 → Request.Querystring(variablevalue) possible? 中如下:

For Each Item in Request.QueryString
Response.Write Item & ": " & Request.QueryString(Item) & "<br/>"

如果我的 queryString 是:


然后 For Each Loop returns:


我设法通过将它拆分为一个 数组 来解决它,然后在这个数组中循环并 再次重新拆分每个项目成名称和价值。但这是一个很长而且效率不高的编码。

那么有没有更好更短的方法来获取 querystring's name/value 使用 For Each Loopin the same order?

QueryString 对象是一个 NameValueCollection,根据 MSDN:

Collections of this type do not preserve the ordering of elements, and no particular ordering is guaranteed when enumerating the collection.

因此它不支持按与 url 相同的顺序获取它。


话虽这么说,但看起来唯一的方法就是解析 url。在这个 Whosebug 问题 (Get individual query parameters from Uri) 中,其中一个答案包括使用正则表达式对其进行解析的部分(那里的所有其他答案都导致相同的 NameValueCollection)。您需要稍微修改一下,因为 Dictionary class 也有不遵守顺序的问题。我会把它改成这样:

public static class UriExtensions
    private static readonly Regex _regex = new Regex(@"[?&](\w[\w.]*)=([^?&]+)");

    public static List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> ParseQueryString(this Uri uri)
        var match = _regex.Match(uri.PathAndQuery);
        var paramaters = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
        while (match.Success)
            paramaters.Add(new KeyValuePair(match.Groups[1].Value, match.Groups[2].Value));
            match = match.NextMatch();
        return paramaters;




https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.web.httprequest.querystring?view=netframework-4.7.2 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.collections.specialized.namevaluecollection?view=netframework-4.7.2

您的 for each 语句应该按照传递的顺序遍历查询字符串,很奇怪它没有,我以前从未听说过。但是由于您的参数已编号,您可以将它们分配给一个数组并根据它们的数字指示符重新排序。



    if request.querystring.count > 0 then

        Dim lookFor, queryStrings(), items(), x, y

        ' Specify the query string name to find and reorder. The name should have a numeric suffix.

        lookFor = "item" ' Looking for item1, item2, item3, item4 etc...

        ' Create a 2d array, set the upperbound value to match the number of query strings passed.

        ReDim queryStrings(request.querystring.count-1,1)

        ' Loop through each query string.

        x = 0 : for each item in request.querystring

            ' We're only interested in query strings where the name starts with "item". Use inStr()
            ' with a textual comparison to check, and use replace() to check that the item name has 
            ' a numeric suffix.

            if inStr(1,item,lookFor,1) = 1 AND isNumeric(replace(item,lookFor,"",1,-1,1)) then

                ' Only store the number part of the query string name. This is needed for reordering later.

                queryStrings(x,0) = int(replace(item,lookFor,"",1,-1,1))
                queryStrings(x,1) = request.querystring(item)
                x = x + 1

            end if


        ' The queryStrings array may contain empty values. We can't use "ReDim Preserve" to resize
        ' a 2d array, so instead let's create another 2d array and set the upperbound value to the
        ' number of items found.

        ReDim items(x-1,1)

        ' Assign the non-empty data from the queryStrings array to the items array.

        y = 0 : for x = 0 to uBound(queryStrings)
            if NOT isEmpty(queryStrings(x,0)) then
                items(y,0) = queryStrings(x,0)
                items(y,1) = queryStrings(x,1)
                y = y + 1
            end if

        ' Reorder the items array.

        Dim temp0, temp1

        for x = uBound(items)-1 to 0 step-1
            for y = 0 to x
                if items(y,0) > items(y+1,0) then
                    temp0 = items(y+1,0)
                    temp1 = items(y+1,1)
                    items(y+1,0) = items(y,0)
                    items(y+1,1) = items(y,1)               
                    items(y,0) = temp0
                    items(y,1) = temp1
                end if

        ' Finally, output the reordered items array.

        for x = 0 to uBound(items)  
            response.write lookFor & items(x,0) & ": " & items(x,1) & "<br>"

    end if





item1: 1
item2: 2
item3: 3
item4: 4
item5: 5
item6: 6
item7: 7




item1: 1
item2: 2
item3: 3
item4: 4
item5: 5





item1: 1
item2: 2, Two
item3: 3
item4: Four, 4
item5: 5

编辑: 我假设错误是 IIS 或 ASP 重新排序查询字符串 header (不知何故?),但之后看到你说 if I target the querystring with the index number it gets the order right 的评论,header 显然是正确的,错误在于 for each 方法(如其他答案中所述)。一个更简单的解决方案是自己拆分原始查询字符串 header(而不是使用 for each)并循环查找项目:


    Dim splitQS, reSplitQS, x, lookFor : lookFor = "item"

    splitQS = split(Request.QueryString,"&")

    for x = 0 to uBound(splitQS)

        reSplitQS = split(splitQS(x),"=")

        if uBound(reSplitQS) = 1 then

            if inStr(1,reSplitQS(0),lookFor,1) = 1 then

                response.write reSplitQS(0) & ": " &_
                request.QueryString(reSplitQS(0)) & "<br>"

            end if

        end if

