redis:使用 redis-cli 非交互地创建集群

redis: Create cluster with redis-cli non interactively

尝试使用 redis-cli 创建集群时,如下所示

redis-cli --cluster create


有没有办法编写这个脚本(最好在 ansible 中)并且 运行 它是非交互式的?

我知道 this topic 但是它涉及数据操作,这不是这个问题的范围。

嗯,我不知道 ansible 部分。但是 Redis official site 确实提供了一种方法 在一个小交互模式下使用脚本创建集群 .

使用 create-cluster 脚本创建 Redis 集群(请参阅文档了解更多详情)

If you don't want to create a Redis Cluster by configuring and executing individual instances manually as explained above, there is a much simpler system (but you'll not learn the same amount of operational details).

Just check utils/create-cluster directory in the Redis distribution. There is a script called create-cluster inside (same name as the directory it is contained into), it's a simple bash script. In order to start a 6 nodes cluster with 3 masters and 3 slaves just type the following commands:

create-cluster start
create-cluster create

Reply to yes in step 2 when the redis-cli utility wants you to accept the cluster layout.

You can now interact with the cluster, the first node will start at port 30001 by default. When you are done, stop the cluster with:

create-cluster stop

Please read the README inside this directory for more information on how to run the script.


编辑: 正确地指出选项 --cluster-yes 将避免提示。例如:

redis-cli --cluster create host1:6379 host2:6379 host3:6379 --cluster-yes

从当前的 Redis 版本 (5.0.5) 开始,在 --cluster 下似乎没有可以静音或 auto-answer 交互式问题的标志:

$ redis-cli --cluster help
Cluster Manager Commands:
  create         host1:port1 ... hostN:portN
                 --cluster-replicas <arg>
  check          host:port
  info           host:port
  fix            host:port
  reshard        host:port
                 --cluster-from <arg>
                 --cluster-to <arg>
                 --cluster-slots <arg>
                 --cluster-timeout <arg>
                 --cluster-pipeline <arg>
  rebalance      host:port
                 --cluster-weight <node1=w1...nodeN=wN>
                 --cluster-timeout <arg>
                 --cluster-pipeline <arg>
                 --cluster-threshold <arg>
  add-node       new_host:new_port existing_host:existing_port
                 --cluster-master-id <arg>
  del-node       host:port node_id
  call           host:port command arg arg .. arg
  set-timeout    host:port milliseconds
  import         host:port
                 --cluster-from <arg>


echo "yes" | redis-cli --cluster create host1:6379 host2:6379 host3:6379

默认 Ansible Redis module 只支持一些命令而不是 --cluster 因此您必须使用 command/shell 任务创建自己的逻辑:

- name: Create cluster
  shell: echo "yes" | redis-cli --cluster create host1:6379 host2:6379 host3:6379
  run_once: true
  when: not cluster_setup_done
