如何使用 three.js 和 jsclipper 简化三角剖分的形状
How to simplify shapes for triangulation with three.js and jsclipper
我尝试显示由 Three.js 中的 moveto lineto beziercurveto 等 constructpath 命令构造的几何图形。
因此我创建了一个 THREE.ShapePath();并执行命令 toShapes(isClockwise)。
之后我使用 THREE.ExtrudeBufferGeometry 创建 3D 形状。
使用 libtess 作为三角剖分库解决了一些问题。但是我还是扭曲了几何。
现在我想使用 jsclipper 来简化三角剖分之前的形状。
在 ExtrudeBufferGeometry 的 addShape 方法中我添加了:
$.each(vertices, function(index, item) {
vertices[index]['X'] = vertices[index]['x'];
vertices[index]['Y'] = vertices[index]['y'];
delete vertices[index]['x'];
delete vertices[index]['y'];
if (holes[0]) {
for (i = 0; i < holes.length; i++ ) {
$.each(holes[i], function(index, item) {
holes[i][index]['X'] = holes[i][index]['x'];
holes[i][index]['Y'] = holes[i][index]['y'];
delete holes[i][index]['x'];
delete holes[i][index]['y'];
var scale = 100;
ClipperLib.JS.ScaleUpPaths([vertices], scale);
if (holes[0]) {
ClipperLib.JS.ScaleUpPaths(holes, scale);
vertices = ClipperLib.Clipper.SimplifyPolygons([vertices], ClipperLib.PolyFillType.pftNonZero);
// or ClipperLib.PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd
if (holes[0]) {
holes = ClipperLib.Clipper.SimplifyPolygons(holes, ClipperLib.PolyFillType.pftNonZero);
// or ClipperLib.PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd
// var cleandelta = 0.1; // 0.1 should be the appropriate delta in different cases
// vertices = ClipperLib.Clipper.CleanPolygons([vertices], cleandelta * scale);
// if (holes[0]) {
// holes = ClipperLib.Clipper.CleanPolygons(holes, cleandelta * scale);
// }
ClipperLib.JS.ScaleDownPaths(vertices, scale);
if (holes[0]) {
ClipperLib.JS.ScaleDownPaths(holes, scale);
for (i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++ ) {
$.each(vertices[i], function(index, item) {
vertices[i][index]['x'] = vertices[i][index]['X'];
vertices[i][index]['y'] = vertices[i][index]['Y'];
delete vertices[i][index]['X'];
delete vertices[i][index]['Y'];
if (holes[0]) {
for (i = 0; i < holes.length; i++ ) {
$.each(holes[i], function(index, item) {
holes[i][index]['x'] = holes[i][index]['X'];
holes[i][index]['y'] = holes[i][index]['Y'];
delete holes[i][index]['X'];
delete holes[i][index]['Y'];
但是 var faces = ShapeUtils.triangulateShape( vertices, holes );不再为某些示例生成面孔。
有点难以弄清楚问题到底是什么。 Clipper(也在使用 SimplifyPolygons 或 SimplifyPolygon 时)只能生成弱简单的多边形,这意味着可能存在伪重复点:虽然顺序坐标被保证不相同,但一些下一个点可以共享相同的坐标。坐标也可以在两点之间的线上。
简化(或任何其他布尔运算)后,您可以使用带有小负值的 Offset 进行清理步骤:https://sourceforge.net/p/jsclipper/wiki/documentation/#clipperlibclipperoffsetexecute。
我还制作了一个浮动版本的 Clipper (http://jsclipper.sourceforge.net/。它经过了广泛的测试,但是因为原始 C# Clipper(其 JS 版本移植自)的作者 Angus Johnson 认为使用浮点数会导致稳健性问题,尽管根据我的测试,原始的 C# float 并非如此版本不存在。 float 版本使用起来更简单,您可以在那里尝试一个小的负偏移量:例如。 -0.001 或 -0.01.
您也可以试试 PolyTree 或 ExPolygons (https://sourceforge.net/p/jsclipper/wiki/ExPolygons%20and%20PolyTree%206/)。 ExPolygons可用于获取孔和轮廓,PolyTree可用于获取孔和轮廓的完整父子关系。
最后的手段是断笔尖功能。它会检测所有伪重复点并对它们产生断笔尖效果,以便结果没有任何重复。附上的图片显示了这个效果是什么意思,使用大的nib-effect-value使效果含义更清晰。 Three.js polygon triangulation fails in pseudo duplicate points. There are a discussion https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/issues/3386 这个主题。
// Make polygons to simple by making "a broken pen tip" effect on each semi-adjacent (duplicate) vertex
// ORIGPOLY can be a contour
// or exPolygon structure
function BreakPenNibs(ORIGPOLY, dist, scale)
if (!dist || dist < 0) return;
var sqrt = Math.sqrt;
var allpoints = {}, point = {};
var key = "";
var currX = 0.0,
currY = 0.0;
var prevX = 0.0,
prevY = 0.0;
var nextX = 0.0,
var x = 0.0,
y = 0.0,
length = 0.0,
i = 0,
duplcount = 0,
j = 0;
var prev_i = 0,
next_i = 0,
var extra_vertices = new Array(100),
moved_vertices = new Array(100);
// Get first all duplicates
var duplicates = new Array(100),
indexi = "",
indexstr = "",
arraystr = "",
polys, outer, holes;
if (ORIGPOLY instanceof Array)
outer = ORIGPOLY;
else if (ORIGPOLY.outer instanceof Array)
outer = ORIGPOLY.outer;
else return;
if (ORIGPOLY.holes instanceof Array) holes = ORIGPOLY.holes;
else holes = [];
polys = [outer].concat(holes);
var polys_length = polys.length;
// Get first max lenght of arrays
var max_index_len = 0;
var arr_len;
i = polys_length;
while (i--)
arr_len = polys[i].length;
if (arr_len > max_index_len) max_index_len = arr_len;
max_index_len = max_index_len.toString().length;
var max_polys_length = polys_length.toString().length;
var poly;
j = polys_length;
var scaling = scale/10;
while (j--)
poly = polys[j];
ilen = poly.length;
i = ilen;
while (i--)
point = poly[i];
//key = Math.round(point.X) + ":" + Math.round(point.Y);
key = (Math.round(point.X / scaling) * scaling)
+ ":" + (Math.round(point.Y / scaling) * scaling);
indexi = allpoints[key];
if (typeof (indexi) != "undefined")
// first found duplicate
duplicates[duplcount] = indexi;
arraystr = j.toString();
while (arraystr.length < max_polys_length) arraystr = "0" + arraystr;
indexstr = i.toString();
while (indexstr.length < max_index_len) indexstr = "0" + indexstr;
duplicates[duplcount] = arraystr + "." + indexstr;
arraystr = j.toString();
while (arraystr.length < max_polys_length) arraystr = "0" + arraystr;
indexstr = i.toString();
while (indexstr.length < max_index_len) indexstr = "0" + indexstr;
allpoints[key] = arraystr + "." + indexstr;
if (!duplcount) return;
duplicates.length = duplcount;
var splitted, poly_index = 0,
nth_dupl = 0;
var prev_poly_index = -1;
poly_index = 0;
for (j = 0; j < duplcount; j++)
splitted = duplicates[j].split(".");
poly_index = parseInt(splitted[0], 10);
if (poly_index != prev_poly_index) nth_dupl = 0;
else nth_dupl++;
i = parseInt(splitted[1], 10);
poly = polys[poly_index];
len = poly.length;
if (poly[0].X === poly[len - 1].X &&
poly[0].Y === poly[len - 1].Y)
last_i = len - 2;
last_i = len - 1;
point = poly[i];
// Calculate "broken pen tip" effect
// for current point by finding
// a coordinate at a distance dist
// along the edge between current and
// previous point
// This is inlined to maximize speed
currX = point.X;
currY = point.Y;
if (i === 0) prev_i = last_i; // last element in array
else prev_i = i - 1;
prevX = poly[prev_i].X;
prevY = poly[prev_i].Y;
if (!point.Collinear)
length = sqrt((-currX + prevX) * (-currX + prevX) + (currY - prevY) * (currY - prevY));
x = currX - (dist * (currX - prevX)) / length;
y = currY - (dist * (currY - prevY)) / length;
// save the found (calculated) point
moved_vertices[j] = {
X: x,
Y: y,
index: i,
poly_index: poly_index
// "broken nib effect" for next point also
if (i == len - 1) next_i = 0;
else next_i = i + 1;
nextX = poly[next_i].X;
nextY = poly[next_i].Y;
if (!point.Collinear)
length = sqrt((-currX + nextX) * (-currX + nextX) + (currY - nextY) * (currY - nextY));
x = currX - (dist * (currX - nextX)) / length;
y = currY - (dist * (currY - nextY)) / length;
// save the found (calculated) point
extra_vertices[j] = {
X: x,
Y: y,
index: i + nth_dupl,
poly_index: poly_index
prev_poly_index = poly_index;
moved_vertices.length = extra_vertices.length = duplcount;
//console.log("MOVED:" + JSON.stringify(moved_vertices));
//console.log("EXTRA:" + JSON.stringify(extra_vertices));
// Update moved coordinates
i = duplcount;
var point2;
while (i--)
point = moved_vertices[i];
x = point.X;
y = point.Y;
// Faster than isNaN: http://jsperf.com/isnan-alternatives
if (x != x || x == Infinity || x == -Infinity) continue;
if (y != y || y == Infinity || y == -Infinity) continue;
point2 = polys[point.poly_index][point.index];
point2.X = point.X;
point2.Y = point.Y;
point2.Collinear = point.Collinear;
// Add an extra vertex
// This is needed to remain the angle of the next edge
for (i = 0; i < duplcount; i++)
point = extra_vertices[i];
x = point.X;
y = point.Y;
// Faster than isNaN: http://jsperf.com/isnan-alternatives
if (x != x || x == Infinity || x == -Infinity) continue;
if (y != y || y == Infinity || y == -Infinity) continue;
polys[point.poly_index].splice(point.index + 1, 0,
X: point.X,
Y: point.Y,
Collinear: point.Collinear
// Remove collinear points
// and for some reason coming
// sequential duplicates
// TODO: check why seq. duplicates becomes
j = polys.length;
var prev_point = null;
while (j--)
poly = polys[j];
ilen = poly.length;
i = ilen;
while (i--)
point = poly[i];
if(prev_point!=null && point.X == prev_point.X && point.Y == prev_point.Y) poly.splice(i, 1);
if(point.Collinear) poly.splice(i, 1);
prev_point = point;
// because original array is modified, no need to return anything
var BreakPenNipsOfExPolygons = function (exPolygons, dist, scale)
var i = 0,
j = 0,
ilen = exPolygons.length,
jlen = 0;
for (; i < ilen; i++)
//if(i!=4) continue;
BreakPenNibs(exPolygons[i], dist, scale);
我尝试显示由 Three.js 中的 moveto lineto beziercurveto 等 constructpath 命令构造的几何图形。 因此我创建了一个 THREE.ShapePath();并执行命令 toShapes(isClockwise)。 之后我使用 THREE.ExtrudeBufferGeometry 创建 3D 形状。
使用 libtess 作为三角剖分库解决了一些问题。但是我还是扭曲了几何。
现在我想使用 jsclipper 来简化三角剖分之前的形状。
在 ExtrudeBufferGeometry 的 addShape 方法中我添加了:
$.each(vertices, function(index, item) {
vertices[index]['X'] = vertices[index]['x'];
vertices[index]['Y'] = vertices[index]['y'];
delete vertices[index]['x'];
delete vertices[index]['y'];
if (holes[0]) {
for (i = 0; i < holes.length; i++ ) {
$.each(holes[i], function(index, item) {
holes[i][index]['X'] = holes[i][index]['x'];
holes[i][index]['Y'] = holes[i][index]['y'];
delete holes[i][index]['x'];
delete holes[i][index]['y'];
var scale = 100;
ClipperLib.JS.ScaleUpPaths([vertices], scale);
if (holes[0]) {
ClipperLib.JS.ScaleUpPaths(holes, scale);
vertices = ClipperLib.Clipper.SimplifyPolygons([vertices], ClipperLib.PolyFillType.pftNonZero);
// or ClipperLib.PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd
if (holes[0]) {
holes = ClipperLib.Clipper.SimplifyPolygons(holes, ClipperLib.PolyFillType.pftNonZero);
// or ClipperLib.PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd
// var cleandelta = 0.1; // 0.1 should be the appropriate delta in different cases
// vertices = ClipperLib.Clipper.CleanPolygons([vertices], cleandelta * scale);
// if (holes[0]) {
// holes = ClipperLib.Clipper.CleanPolygons(holes, cleandelta * scale);
// }
ClipperLib.JS.ScaleDownPaths(vertices, scale);
if (holes[0]) {
ClipperLib.JS.ScaleDownPaths(holes, scale);
for (i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++ ) {
$.each(vertices[i], function(index, item) {
vertices[i][index]['x'] = vertices[i][index]['X'];
vertices[i][index]['y'] = vertices[i][index]['Y'];
delete vertices[i][index]['X'];
delete vertices[i][index]['Y'];
if (holes[0]) {
for (i = 0; i < holes.length; i++ ) {
$.each(holes[i], function(index, item) {
holes[i][index]['x'] = holes[i][index]['X'];
holes[i][index]['y'] = holes[i][index]['Y'];
delete holes[i][index]['X'];
delete holes[i][index]['Y'];
但是 var faces = ShapeUtils.triangulateShape( vertices, holes );不再为某些示例生成面孔。
有点难以弄清楚问题到底是什么。 Clipper(也在使用 SimplifyPolygons 或 SimplifyPolygon 时)只能生成弱简单的多边形,这意味着可能存在伪重复点:虽然顺序坐标被保证不相同,但一些下一个点可以共享相同的坐标。坐标也可以在两点之间的线上。
简化(或任何其他布尔运算)后,您可以使用带有小负值的 Offset 进行清理步骤:https://sourceforge.net/p/jsclipper/wiki/documentation/#clipperlibclipperoffsetexecute。
我还制作了一个浮动版本的 Clipper (http://jsclipper.sourceforge.net/。它经过了广泛的测试,但是因为原始 C# Clipper(其 JS 版本移植自)的作者 Angus Johnson 认为使用浮点数会导致稳健性问题,尽管根据我的测试,原始的 C# float 并非如此版本不存在。 float 版本使用起来更简单,您可以在那里尝试一个小的负偏移量:例如。 -0.001 或 -0.01.
您也可以试试 PolyTree 或 ExPolygons (https://sourceforge.net/p/jsclipper/wiki/ExPolygons%20and%20PolyTree%206/)。 ExPolygons可用于获取孔和轮廓,PolyTree可用于获取孔和轮廓的完整父子关系。
最后的手段是断笔尖功能。它会检测所有伪重复点并对它们产生断笔尖效果,以便结果没有任何重复。附上的图片显示了这个效果是什么意思,使用大的nib-effect-value使效果含义更清晰。 Three.js polygon triangulation fails in pseudo duplicate points. There are a discussion https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/issues/3386 这个主题。
// Make polygons to simple by making "a broken pen tip" effect on each semi-adjacent (duplicate) vertex
// ORIGPOLY can be a contour
// or exPolygon structure
function BreakPenNibs(ORIGPOLY, dist, scale)
if (!dist || dist < 0) return;
var sqrt = Math.sqrt;
var allpoints = {}, point = {};
var key = "";
var currX = 0.0,
currY = 0.0;
var prevX = 0.0,
prevY = 0.0;
var nextX = 0.0,
var x = 0.0,
y = 0.0,
length = 0.0,
i = 0,
duplcount = 0,
j = 0;
var prev_i = 0,
next_i = 0,
var extra_vertices = new Array(100),
moved_vertices = new Array(100);
// Get first all duplicates
var duplicates = new Array(100),
indexi = "",
indexstr = "",
arraystr = "",
polys, outer, holes;
if (ORIGPOLY instanceof Array)
outer = ORIGPOLY;
else if (ORIGPOLY.outer instanceof Array)
outer = ORIGPOLY.outer;
else return;
if (ORIGPOLY.holes instanceof Array) holes = ORIGPOLY.holes;
else holes = [];
polys = [outer].concat(holes);
var polys_length = polys.length;
// Get first max lenght of arrays
var max_index_len = 0;
var arr_len;
i = polys_length;
while (i--)
arr_len = polys[i].length;
if (arr_len > max_index_len) max_index_len = arr_len;
max_index_len = max_index_len.toString().length;
var max_polys_length = polys_length.toString().length;
var poly;
j = polys_length;
var scaling = scale/10;
while (j--)
poly = polys[j];
ilen = poly.length;
i = ilen;
while (i--)
point = poly[i];
//key = Math.round(point.X) + ":" + Math.round(point.Y);
key = (Math.round(point.X / scaling) * scaling)
+ ":" + (Math.round(point.Y / scaling) * scaling);
indexi = allpoints[key];
if (typeof (indexi) != "undefined")
// first found duplicate
duplicates[duplcount] = indexi;
arraystr = j.toString();
while (arraystr.length < max_polys_length) arraystr = "0" + arraystr;
indexstr = i.toString();
while (indexstr.length < max_index_len) indexstr = "0" + indexstr;
duplicates[duplcount] = arraystr + "." + indexstr;
arraystr = j.toString();
while (arraystr.length < max_polys_length) arraystr = "0" + arraystr;
indexstr = i.toString();
while (indexstr.length < max_index_len) indexstr = "0" + indexstr;
allpoints[key] = arraystr + "." + indexstr;
if (!duplcount) return;
duplicates.length = duplcount;
var splitted, poly_index = 0,
nth_dupl = 0;
var prev_poly_index = -1;
poly_index = 0;
for (j = 0; j < duplcount; j++)
splitted = duplicates[j].split(".");
poly_index = parseInt(splitted[0], 10);
if (poly_index != prev_poly_index) nth_dupl = 0;
else nth_dupl++;
i = parseInt(splitted[1], 10);
poly = polys[poly_index];
len = poly.length;
if (poly[0].X === poly[len - 1].X &&
poly[0].Y === poly[len - 1].Y)
last_i = len - 2;
last_i = len - 1;
point = poly[i];
// Calculate "broken pen tip" effect
// for current point by finding
// a coordinate at a distance dist
// along the edge between current and
// previous point
// This is inlined to maximize speed
currX = point.X;
currY = point.Y;
if (i === 0) prev_i = last_i; // last element in array
else prev_i = i - 1;
prevX = poly[prev_i].X;
prevY = poly[prev_i].Y;
if (!point.Collinear)
length = sqrt((-currX + prevX) * (-currX + prevX) + (currY - prevY) * (currY - prevY));
x = currX - (dist * (currX - prevX)) / length;
y = currY - (dist * (currY - prevY)) / length;
// save the found (calculated) point
moved_vertices[j] = {
X: x,
Y: y,
index: i,
poly_index: poly_index
// "broken nib effect" for next point also
if (i == len - 1) next_i = 0;
else next_i = i + 1;
nextX = poly[next_i].X;
nextY = poly[next_i].Y;
if (!point.Collinear)
length = sqrt((-currX + nextX) * (-currX + nextX) + (currY - nextY) * (currY - nextY));
x = currX - (dist * (currX - nextX)) / length;
y = currY - (dist * (currY - nextY)) / length;
// save the found (calculated) point
extra_vertices[j] = {
X: x,
Y: y,
index: i + nth_dupl,
poly_index: poly_index
prev_poly_index = poly_index;
moved_vertices.length = extra_vertices.length = duplcount;
//console.log("MOVED:" + JSON.stringify(moved_vertices));
//console.log("EXTRA:" + JSON.stringify(extra_vertices));
// Update moved coordinates
i = duplcount;
var point2;
while (i--)
point = moved_vertices[i];
x = point.X;
y = point.Y;
// Faster than isNaN: http://jsperf.com/isnan-alternatives
if (x != x || x == Infinity || x == -Infinity) continue;
if (y != y || y == Infinity || y == -Infinity) continue;
point2 = polys[point.poly_index][point.index];
point2.X = point.X;
point2.Y = point.Y;
point2.Collinear = point.Collinear;
// Add an extra vertex
// This is needed to remain the angle of the next edge
for (i = 0; i < duplcount; i++)
point = extra_vertices[i];
x = point.X;
y = point.Y;
// Faster than isNaN: http://jsperf.com/isnan-alternatives
if (x != x || x == Infinity || x == -Infinity) continue;
if (y != y || y == Infinity || y == -Infinity) continue;
polys[point.poly_index].splice(point.index + 1, 0,
X: point.X,
Y: point.Y,
Collinear: point.Collinear
// Remove collinear points
// and for some reason coming
// sequential duplicates
// TODO: check why seq. duplicates becomes
j = polys.length;
var prev_point = null;
while (j--)
poly = polys[j];
ilen = poly.length;
i = ilen;
while (i--)
point = poly[i];
if(prev_point!=null && point.X == prev_point.X && point.Y == prev_point.Y) poly.splice(i, 1);
if(point.Collinear) poly.splice(i, 1);
prev_point = point;
// because original array is modified, no need to return anything
var BreakPenNipsOfExPolygons = function (exPolygons, dist, scale)
var i = 0,
j = 0,
ilen = exPolygons.length,
jlen = 0;
for (; i < ilen; i++)
//if(i!=4) continue;
BreakPenNibs(exPolygons[i], dist, scale);