Uml Class 地铁图
Uml Class Diagram for Metro Railway
我正在尝试在 UML 中为以下问题绘制和定义 类。
An Information System of Metro Railway
Design the part of the conceptual scheme of the above system that will
allow me to register the stations (by distinguishing between
interchanges and terminals), the interconnection of the stations (ie
the network topology) and the distances (in kilometers of the railway
line) they divide.
Each train moves in a line by running consecutive routes, ie moving
between prescribed extreme pairs of stations, which are not
necessarily the same on each route (Eg Bronx - Manhattan, Brooklyn -
Queens). Each route has a specific time of arrival and stay at each
station. The actual arrival times at each station may differ from the
programmed ones, as well as the speed of traffic between stations.
Metro Line, Metro Station, Metro Route, Metro Route Stop, Metro Train
让我们看看 classes,它们相当明显:
Metro line
是一组Metro routes
Metro route
与 Metro stations
Metro route
由两个极端定义 Metro stations
在 Metro routes
Each route has a specific time of arrival and stay at each station.
这意味着路线不是一般路线(例如布鲁克林 - 皇后区),而是非常具体的路线(例如布鲁克林 - 皇后区从 15:03 开始)。
此外,由于多个 Metro routes
可能使用相同的 Metro station
,并且由于 Metro route
由多个 Metro stations
组成,我们之间存在多对多关联那两个 classes。 时间和停留既不单靠路线,也不单单从车站出发。所以最好将其视为 association class 的 属性:
最后,一个更精细的处理不同时间的方法是考虑一个Time table
class. The association between Metro route
, Metro station
and Time table
would then be a ternary association,一个三元关联关联class可以保存时间数据(或者计划为计划table,或实际的 table;但您也可以有多个版本的计划,以及一年中每一天的实际版本。这将是完全灵活的。
现在,如果你不习惯table关联class,你可以将多对多关联分解成两个多对一关联,中间有一个class,你可以命名为 Route stop
我正在尝试在 UML 中为以下问题绘制和定义 类。
An Information System of Metro Railway
Design the part of the conceptual scheme of the above system that will allow me to register the stations (by distinguishing between interchanges and terminals), the interconnection of the stations (ie the network topology) and the distances (in kilometers of the railway line) they divide.
Each train moves in a line by running consecutive routes, ie moving between prescribed extreme pairs of stations, which are not necessarily the same on each route (Eg Bronx - Manhattan, Brooklyn - Queens). Each route has a specific time of arrival and stay at each station. The actual arrival times at each station may differ from the programmed ones, as well as the speed of traffic between stations.
Metro Line, Metro Station, Metro Route, Metro Route Stop, Metro Train
让我们看看 classes,它们相当明显:
Metro line
是一组Metro routes
Metro route
与Metro stations
Metro route
由两个极端定义Metro stations
在Metro routes
Each route has a specific time of arrival and stay at each station.
这意味着路线不是一般路线(例如布鲁克林 - 皇后区),而是非常具体的路线(例如布鲁克林 - 皇后区从 15:03 开始)。
此外,由于多个 Metro routes
可能使用相同的 Metro station
,并且由于 Metro route
由多个 Metro stations
组成,我们之间存在多对多关联那两个 classes。 时间和停留既不单靠路线,也不单单从车站出发。所以最好将其视为 association class 的 属性:
最后,一个更精细的处理不同时间的方法是考虑一个Time table
class. The association between Metro route
, Metro station
and Time table
would then be a ternary association,一个三元关联关联class可以保存时间数据(或者计划为计划table,或实际的 table;但您也可以有多个版本的计划,以及一年中每一天的实际版本。这将是完全灵活的。
现在,如果你不习惯table关联class,你可以将多对多关联分解成两个多对一关联,中间有一个class,你可以命名为 Route stop