
Linked dimension performance issue

我正在使用 2 个星型模式数据仓库,每个数据仓库包含一个事实 table 并且维度 table 位于单独的数据库 (一个数据库使用两个数据仓库).


尝试浏览第二个多维数据集时一切正常,但是当我尝试浏览维度或在浏览多维数据集时添加过滤器时,管理工作室没有响应。几个小时后,它 returns 出现以下错误消息:

Error occurred retrieving child nodes: The Messages element at line, (namespace urn:schemas-microsoft-com: xml-analysis: exception) cannot appear under Envelope/Body/ExecuteResponse/return/SubCube)


我还尝试 运行 使用 MDX 查询使用 FILTER() 相同的过滤器逻辑,但没有成功。 MDX 查询语法类似于:

SELECT ([Dimension2].[---].[---], [MeasureGroup].[Measure]) ON COLUMNS,
        FILTER([Dimension1].[---].[---],[Dimension1].[---].[---].CurrentMember.Name = "FilterValue") ON ROWS
FROM [AnalysisCube]



基于以下 Microsoft 参考资料:

SSAS allows you to add a linked dimension to that other multidimensional database so that you only have one dimension to build and maintain. However, the use of linked dimensions is not considered to be best practice in SSAS development because it can produce performance problems.

Another way to think about building once and reusing your development work is to save the .dim files in source control. You can then require new multidimensional database projects to add .dim files from source control rather than build a new dimension directly. That way, you can maintain the design in a central location and benefit from reusability without introducing potential performance issues.
