我如何使用 IronPython 将我使用 Spotfire Consumer 修改的分析保存回库中?

How can I use IronPython to save an analysis which I have modified using the Spotfire Consumer back to the library?

是否可以通过调用一些 API 以编程方式保存在 Spotfire 的网络播放器(即 Spotfire Consumer)中打开的分析文件,或者全部处理通过 UI(网络播放器)?我正在使用 Spotfire 版本 10.1


...在代码中(例如使用 Web API)


以下IronPython 代码将保存分析。但是,在 Web Player 中保存时,您会发现一个限制,即右上角的下拉列表 必须 设置为 "Viewing"(在 10.0 中)。重申一下:您不能使用此代码在网络播放器中保存当前处于 "Editing" 模式的文档。

from Spotfire.Dxp.Application import DocumentSaveSettings
from Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.Library import LibraryManager, LibraryItemType, LibraryItemMetadataSettings
from Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.ApplicationModel import ApplicationThread

def save_to_library(app, path, filename, meta, settings):
  def f():
    app.SaveAs(path, filename, meta, settings)
  return f

# path info
lib_path = "/path/to/file"
filename = "My Analysis"

# reference the LibraryManager
lm = Application.GetService[LibraryManager]()

# determine if the path exists
success, lib_folder = lm.TryGetItem(lib_path, LibraryItemType.Folder)

if success:
  # save the file
  Application.GetService[ApplicationThread]().InvokeAsynchronously(save_to_library(Application, lib_folder, filename, LibraryItemMetadataSettings(), DocumentSaveSettings()))
  print "folder " + lib_path + " does not exist in the Library"

代码基于 this article from the TIBCO Wiki.