Android Koin NoBeanDefFoundException 仅在应用程序的发布版本中

Android Koin NoBeanDefFoundException only in release version of app

在 Debug 版本中它工作正常,但在 Release 版本中失败。估计跟Proguard规则有关。

// Koin
implementation 'org.koin:koin-android:1.0.2'
implementation 'org.koin:koin-android-viewmodel:1.0.2'


val appModule = module {

val dataModule = module {
    single { NetworkManager(androidContext().applicationContext) }
    single { LocalFileManager(androidContext().applicationContext) }
    single { ApiModel(get()) }

Class 定义:

class ApiModel(val networkManager: NetworkManager){}

class LocalFileManager(private var appContext: Context) {}

class NetworkManager(private var appContext: Context) {}

class IntroVM(var apiModel: ApiModel) : CommonVM() {


startKoin(this, listOf(appModule, dataModule))

Proguard 规则:

-keepattributes *Annotation*
-keepattributes SourceFile,LineNumberTable
-keep public class * extends java.lang.Exception
-keepclassmembernames class kotlinx.** {
    volatile <fields>;


Error while resolving instance for class 'com...viewModels.auth.b' -      
error: org.koin.error.BeanInstanceCreationException:
Can't create definition for 'Factory [name='b',class='com..viewModels.auth.b', binds~(androidx.lifecycle.r)]' due to error :'binds~(androidx.lifecycle.r)]
No constructor found for class 'class com...viewModels.auth.b'

As you are using androidX Use below library of viewmodel for koin

implementation 'org.koin:koin-androidx-viewmodel:1.0.2'

This 问题提供了所需的解决方案