无法处理上下文配置的位置和 类

Cannot process locations AND classes for context configuration


@ContextConfiguration(locations = {"classpath:META-INF/dataContext.xml"},classes = Configiuration.class)
public class CityDaoImplTest {

我需要使用来自 xml 文件和 java class bur 的配置,当我调用

mvn 测试我在控制台中看到以下内容:

Tests in error: 
  initializationError(***.CityDaoImplTest): Cannot process locations AND classes for context configuration [ContextConfigurationAttributes@5bb21b69 declaringClass = '***.CityDaoImplTest', classes = '{***.Configiuration}', locations = '{classpath:META-INF/dataContext.xml}', inheritLocations = true, initializers = '{}', inheritInitializers = true, name = [null], contextLoaderClass = 'org.springframework.test.context.ContextLoader']; configure one or the other, but not both.


来自Spring Docs

Prior to Spring 3.1, only path-based resource locations were supported. As of Spring 3.1, context loaders may choose to support either path-based or class-based resources. As of Spring 4.0.4, context loaders may choose to support path-based and class-based resources simultaneously.

但是,spring-test 有一个小警告。它使用基于 AbstractDelegatingSmartContextLoaderSmartContextLoader 不幸的是它不是那么聪明 ;)

public void processContextConfiguration(
        final ContextConfigurationAttributes configAttributes) {

    Assert.notNull(configAttributes, "configAttributes must not be null");
    Assert.isTrue(!(configAttributes.hasLocations() && configAttributes.hasClasses()), String.format(
        "Cannot process locations AND classes for context "
                + "configuration %s; configure one or the other, but not both.", configAttributes));

如代码所示,locations 和 classes 不能同时设置。

那么,如何解决这个问题?好吧,一个解决方案是添加一个额外的配置 class,如下所示:

class TestConfig {



@ContextConfiguration(classes = {Configuration.class, TestConfig.class})
public class CityDaoImplTest { ... }

从技术上讲,这是 重写配置,但您不必更改现有配置,只需添加一个新的 @Configuration class(然后class 甚至可以与您的测试用例位于同一个文件中)。

即使你迟到了,我也会 post 我的回答只是为了帮助其他会阅读这篇文章的人。

另一种解决方案是将您的配置 class 声明为 dataContext.xml 中的 bean。


<bean class="com.packageWhereConfigClassIsPresent.Configuration"/>

希望对大家有所帮助 ;)