在 UNNotification 中,我得到的 userInfo 值与 UNNotificationRequest Swift 中的设置值不同

at UNNotification I get different userInfo values than set values in UNNotificationRequest Swift

我有一个设置 UNNotificationRequest 并传入一些参数的函数,我将这些参数放在 userInfo 中,这样我就可以取回它们并在打开本地通知时使用它们。它的打印显示我正在分配传入的正确值。问题是当我在 applicationDidBecomeActive 中打印 userInfo 时,我得到了一些其他值。我不明白为什么会这样,你能看出我做错了什么吗?

这是设置通知和输出打印的 function

func setRouteNotification(_ date: Date, onWeekdaysForNotify weekdays:[Int], snoozeEnabled:Bool,  onSnooze: Bool, soundName: String, routeName: String, index: Int) {

            // Notification content
            let routeCheckNotificationContent = UNMutableNotificationContent()
            let datesForNotification = correctDate(date, onWeekdaysForNotify: weekdays)
//            routeCheckNotificationContent.title = "Hello!! Are you ready to cycle?"
            routeCheckNotificationContent.title = "Ciao!! Pronto ad andare?"
//            routeCheckNotificationContent.body = "Check route for alerts?"
            routeCheckNotificationContent.body = "Controlliamo se ci sono ostacoli lungo il tuo percorso?"
            routeCheckNotificationContent.categoryIdentifier = Id.notificationCategory
            routeCheckNotificationContent.sound = UNNotificationSound.init(named: soundName + ".mp3")
            print("      set notification is: date: \(date), onWeekdaysForNotify : \(weekdays), snoozeEnabled : \(snoozeEnabled), onSnooze: \(onSnooze), soundName: \(soundName), routeName: \(routeName), index: \(index)")

            let repeating: Bool = !weekdays.isEmpty
//            routeCheckNotificationContent.userInfo = ["snooze" : snoozeEnabled, "index": index, "soundName": soundName, "routeName": routeName, "repeating" : repeating]
            routeCheckNotificationContent.userInfo = ["posticipa" : snoozeEnabled, "indice": index, "Suono": soundName, "Titolo percorso" : String(describing: routeName), "repeating" : repeating]
            print("routeCheckNotificationContent.userInfo at setting notification is: \(routeCheckNotificationContent.userInfo)")
            //repeat weekly if repeat weekdays are selected
            //no repeat with snooze notification
            if !weekdays.isEmpty && !onSnooze{
            var counter = 0
            for d in datesForNotification {
                if onSnooze {
                    alarmModel.alarms[index].date = Scheduler.correctSecondComponent(date: alarmModel.alarms[index].date)
                else {
                    alarmModel.alarms[index].date = d
                let components = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.weekday,.hour,.minute,.second,], from: d)
                let trigger = UNCalendarNotificationTrigger(dateMatching: components, repeats: true)

                // Notification Request
                let uuid = UUID().uuidString
                let routeNotificationRequest = UNNotificationRequest(identifier: "Route Notification Request\(uuid)", content: routeCheckNotificationContent, trigger: trigger)
                // Add request
                UNUserNotificationCenter.current().add(routeNotificationRequest) { (Error) in
                    if Error != nil {
//                        print("something went wrong with adding notification")
//                print("added request\(uuid)")
//                print("scheduled notifications are \(scheduledNotifications.count)")
                counter = ( counter + 1 )
//            print(alarmModel.alarms)
//            print("dates for notification are: \(datesForNotification)")


routeCheckNotificationContent.userInfo at setting notification is: [AnyHashable("repeating"): true, AnyHashable("indice"): 0, AnyHashable("Titolo percorso"): "aaa", AnyHashable("Suono"): "Zen", AnyHashable("posticipa"): false]

但在 AppDelegate:

func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ application: UIApplication) {

        let center = UNUserNotificationCenter.current()

        center.getDeliveredNotifications { (receivedNotifications) in
            for notification in receivedNotifications {
                let content = notification.request.content
                print(" Body \(content.body)")
                print(" Title \(content.title)")
                let rotta = content.userInfo["Titolo percorso"]
                print("rotta is: \(rotta)")

                print(content.userInfo as NSDictionary)
        // Restart any tasks that were paused (or not yet started) while the application was inactive. If the application was previously in the background, optionally refresh the user interface.
        //        audioPlayer?.play()
//        alarmScheduler.checkNotification()


Body Controlliamo se ci sono ostacoli lungo il tuo percorso?
 Title Ciao!! Pronto ad andare?
rotta is: Optional(Scegli un percorso)
    Suono = Suono;
    "Titolo percorso" = "Scegli un percorso";
    indice = 0;
    posticipa = 0;
    repeating = 0;

Body 和 Title 是正确的,但其余的不是..我在哪里缺少这些错误值的联系? 像往常一样非常感谢


我从我设置这些值的每个地方制作了一些新的打印件,它们都是正确的,但在 AppDelegate 我从这一行得到值: addEditController.segueInfo = SegueInfo(curCellIndex: alarmModel.count, isEditMode: false, label: "Percorso", mediaLabel: "Suono", mediaID: "", routeLabel: "Scegli un percorso", repeatWeekdays: [], enabled: false, snoozeEnabled: false) SegueInfo 只是一个保存值的结构,直到它们被实际选择的值替换,我会更新它们..

struct SegueInfo {
    var curCellIndex: Int
    var isEditMode: Bool
    var label: String
    var mediaLabel: String
    var mediaID: String
    var routeLabel: String
//    var routeId: String
    var repeatWeekdays: [Int]
    var enabled: Bool
    var snoozeEnabled: Bool

终于找到问题所在了。我没有得到响应中的值。因此,我从 applicationDidBecomeActive 中删除了代码,并在适当的 Action 中从 didReceive response 中获取了值,现在它按预期工作了。 我希望这会帮助其他人。 整个函数为:

func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {

        switch response.actionIdentifier
        case Id.checkActionIdentifier:
            print("Check tapped")

            let content = response.notification.request.content
            let rotta = content.userInfo["Titolo percorso"] as! String
            RoutesArray.routeName = rotta
            print("rotta is: \(rotta)")
            print(" Body \(content.body)")
            print(" Title \(content.title)")

            NewMapViewController.checkCounter = 1

            let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
            let initialViewController : UINavigationController = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "MainNavigationController") as! UINavigationController
            self.window?.rootViewController = initialViewController

            let vc = initialViewController.viewControllers[0]
            vc.performSegue(withIdentifier: "alertToMapSegue", sender: nil)

        case Id.waitActionIdentifier:
            print("Wait tapped")

            print("Other Action")
