
How can I diff between my repo and a remote repo that's not origin?

来自 Viewing Unpushed Git Commits 我知道如何区分我自己的回购和本地提交:

git diff origin/master..HEAD

但是,我怎样才能使用 path/to/github/repo.git 而不是原点呢?

git diff https://github.com/malarres/universal.git/GPII-795..HEAD


fatal: Invalid object name 'https'.

How can I do the same instead of origin using a path/to/github/repo.git ?

git diff https://github.com/malarres/universal.git/GPII-795..HEAD

那不是 git diff 的工作方式。如果你想区分你的本地仓库和另一个仓库,你需要执行以下操作:

  1. 将后者添加为前者的远程。请注意,除了 origin 之外,没有什么能阻止您在一个存储库中定义多个遥控器。 (不过,您可能希望选择一个比“其他”更不通用的远程名称。)

     git remote add other https://github.com/malarres/universal.git/GPII-795
  2. 从远程获取所有内容:

     git fetch other
  3. 运行 适当的 git diff 命令,例如,

     git diff other/master..HEAD


git remote rm other