用于清除和创建新文件的简单 TACL 宏

Simple TACL macro to purge and create new file

我想清除现有文件,使用 tedit 创建新文件,并在 TACL 宏的帮助下使用 jlist 将非结构化文件的内容复制到新文件。


如果我在 tacl 提示符下通过 运行 命令 运行 上面的代码,它会给我类似 'name is not either variable or built in function' 的错误。 请帮助,我是 TACL 编程的新手。

您的问题似乎是由#TEDIT 和#JLIST 引起的。它们不是 TACL 语言中的有效内置函数。为了使您的宏正常工作,我将在此处替换 EDIT,如下所示:


或者,您可以通过指定一个输入文件并在编辑中完成所有操作来节省 3 次运行(PURGE、EDIT 和 EDIT)的启动时间,如下所示。请注意,这仅在您不关心 $A.B.C 是否只是清除其数据而不是实际删除 $A.B.C 并每次都重新创建它时才有效。

#Frame               == Localizes your variables to this run session
#Push InFile         == Create a new variable to be used
#Set InFile Get $A.B.C !  == Puts the data in the variable just created.  Gets the file to be worked upon.
#Append InFile D F/L   == Deletes all of the data in the file ($A.B.C)
#Append InFile G $D.E.F F/L to F == Gets the data from the new file from the first to last of the file and moves it to the file being edited at the first of the file.
#Append InFile Exit  == Exits Edit
EDIT/INV InFile/  == executes the commands put into InFile
#Unframe == Removes any localized variables created by this run

给你,用 ROUTINE 代替 MACRO,这样更好。

?tacl routine

 #output CRE8COPY Mark H. Poriss, Sr.

 == RUN CRE8COPY <file to be copied> <new file from file to be copied>

 == Create a set of variables to work with
 #push makeCopyOfThisFile copyContentsToThisFile resultOfPurge copyV

 == Accepts arguments from the run(command) line
 #if [#argument/value makeCopyOfThisFile/filename end]
 #if [#argument/value copyContentsToThisFile/filename/syntax/]

 == Make filenames uppercase (looks better)
 #set makeCopyOfThisFile [#shiftstring [makeCopyOfThisFile]]
 #set copyContentsToThisFile [#shiftstring [copyContentsToThisFile]]

 == Use #FILEINFO with EXISTENCE to see if the file exists
 == Use #PURGE to actually delete the file passing back a result

 #output Purge copy file if it exists
 [#if [#fileinfo/existence/[copyContentsToThisFile]] |then|
      #set resultOfPurge [#purge [copyContentsToThisFile]]
      [#if [resultOfPurge = 0] |then|
           #output File [copyContentsToThisFile] purged ok
           #output Error [resultOfPurge] on purge of [copyContentsOfThisFile]
      #output File [copyContentsToThisFile] does not exist, ok to continue

 == Use EDIT with PUT to create your new file

 #output Using EDIT to create [copyContentsToThisFile]
 #push editV
 edit /outv editV/ [makeCopyOfThisFile] put [copyContentsToThisFile] !;exit
