为什么在变量上调用方法会阻止 Rust 推断变量的类型?

Why does calling a method on a variable prevent Rust from inferring the type of the variable?


#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct Example;

impl Example {
    fn some_method(&self) {}

fn reproduction() -> Example {
    let example = Default::default();
    // example.some_method();


error[E0282]: type annotations needed
  --> src/lib.rs:10:5
9  |     let example = Default::default();
   |         ------- consider giving `example` a type
10 |     example.some_method();
   |     ^^^^^^^ cannot infer type
   = note: type must be known at this point



从他们那里,我知道 Rust 使用 (modified) version of Hindley-Milner. The latter question has that describes Rust's type inference as a system of equations. 明确指出 "Type information in Rust can flow backwards".


  1. example 是类型 ?E
  2. ?E 必须有一个名为 some_method
  3. 的方法
  4. ?E 是 returned
  5. return类型是Example

逆向计算,人类很容易看出 ?E 必须是 Example。我能看到的和编译器能看到的差距在哪里?

我不知道完整的答案,我几乎不了解 Rust 编译器的内部工作原理,但这里有一些我从 Rust 经验中得出的推论。

关于 Rust 类型的信息可以 "flow backwards",但在某些时候 Rust 需要知道(绝对确定)表达式的类型。在这些情况下,它必须"already"知道类型,即它不会继续向前看。

据我所见,这种情况仅限于方法调用。我怀疑这与可以在特征上实现方法这一事实有关,这使事情变得非常复杂。我怀疑名为 some_method 的方法在作用域中是否存在任何特征,但我认为每当 Rust 编译器遇到方法调用时,它都要求类型已经确定。

你可以看到这发生了 lot 对实现特征的类型的方法调用,最常见的是 collect 对实现 Iter 特征。您将能够调用 collect,但除非您指定类型,否则将无法对结果调用任何方法。


fn create_numbers(last_num: i32) -> Vec<i32> {
    let x = (0..10).collect();


fn create_numbers(last_num: i32) -> Vec<i32> {
    let x = (0..10).collect();
    // In order to call `push`, we need to *already* know the type
    // of x for "absolute certain", and the Rust compiler doesn't 
    // keep looking forward


  • 类型检查器按照函数编写的顺序检查函数
  • let example = Default::default();example中可以是任何实现Default
  • 的东西
  • 字段访问和方法调用需要已知类型,
  • "anything implementing Default" 不是已知类型。

我用字段访问替换了 some_method(),它产生了同样的错误。

来自 Type inference depends on ordering (#42333):

use std::path::PathBuf;

pub struct Thing {
    pub f1: PathBuf,

fn junk() -> Vec<Thing> {
    let mut things = Vec::new();
    for x in vec![1, 2, 3] {
        if x == 2 {
            for thing in things.drain(..) {
            return vec![]
        things.push(Thing{f1: PathBuf::from(format!("/{}", x))});

fn main() { 

这会产生 Rust 1.33.0 的编译器错误:

error[E0282]: type annotations needed
  --> src/main.rs:13:17
9  |     let mut things = Vec::new();
   |         ---------- consider giving `things` a type
13 |                 thing.f1.clone();
   |                 ^^^^^ cannot infer type
   = note: type must be known at this point

您应该关注 eddyb (a well-known member of the the Rust language design team since May, 2016 中的以下评论。

Comment #1:

This is a known limitation of the in-order type-checker. While inference flows freely, thing.f1.clone() is checked before things.push(Thing {...}) so it isn't known that thing: Thing when you try to access the f1 field. We may in the future move away from this, but there are no immediate plans.

更重要的是comment #2:

What I mean is that the type-checker goes through the function in the order it was written. [...] Fields accesses and methods calls are simply not supported unless the type is already known.