顶点测试日志中的错误:common.apex.runtime.impl.ExecutionException:列表没有要分配给 SObject 的行”

Error in apex test logs: common.apex.runtime.impl.ExecutionException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject"

这是我试过的。我认为问题出在测试 class 的某个地方,当我创建顶点测试控制器时,我想 link 控制器的记录到我在测试 class 中创建的解决方案。

这是我在日志中发现的错误: "common.apex.runtime.impl.ExecutionException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject"|0x4888dd3c

apex class:

public with sharing class SolutionWrapper {
public ApexPages.StandardSetController controller;
public Opportunity opp{get; set;}
public Solutions__c oppId{get; set;}
public Solutions__c sol{get; set;}
public Solutions__c solution{get; set;}
public Account acc{get; set;}

public SolutionWrapper(ApexPages.StandardSetController controller) {
        solution = new Solutions__c();
        solution = (Solutions__c)controller.getRecord();
        if(solution.Id != null){
            oppId = [SELECT id, Solutions__c.Opportunity__c 
                FROM Solutions__c
            WHERE id =: solution.Id
            LIMIT 1];

            opp = [Select id,Name, AccountId, CurrencyIsoCode  from 
                     Opportunity where id =: oppId.Opportunity__c  LIMIT:1];

        if(opp.id !=null){
            sol = [SELECT id,Name, Mail_Merge_Id__c,Solution_Country__c, Solutions__c.Opportunity__c 
        FROM Solutions__c
        WHERE Solutions__c.Opportunity__c =: opp.id
        LIMIT 1];
             acc = [Select id,Name,Country__c from 
                     Account where id=:opp.AccountId LIMIT: 1];

    catch(Exception e){
        ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR,e.getMessage()));





public class SolutionWrapperTest {

     static testMethod void testMethodOpp(){
         Account acc = new Account(Name='test', Country__c='test'); 
          insert acc; 
         Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(Name='test', AccountId=acc.id, CurrencyIsoCode='GBP', StageName = 'Good',
          CloseDate =  date.today());
         insert opp;
         Solutions__c sol = new Solutions__c( Opportunity__c= opp.id, CurrencyIsoCode='GBP');       
           insert sol;          

         List<Solutions__c> listSol = new List<Solutions__c>();
         PageReference pageRef = Page.NewVisualForcePage;

         ApexPages.StandardSetController stdController = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(listSol);
         SolutionWrapper testSolution = new SolutionWrapper(stdController);



解决方案 ID 与我在测试中插入的不同 class。我在像货币这样的字段上插入了一个虚拟值 (eq 'test')。之后我根据货币而不是 id 从数据库中选择。