是否可以在不修改每个测试 and/or 夹具的代码的情况下模拟 NUnit 测试的失败?

Is it possible to simulate a failure of an NUnit test without modifying the code of every test and/or fixture?

我希望能够模拟任意测试的失败,以检查我的 TearDown 逻辑是否正常工作。单元测试中的单元测试,如果你愿意的话。

但实际上,我在一些会在失败时生成附件的装置中安装了 TearDown。我必须能够炫耀这个功能,但在你最需要它的时候很难产生故障。

所以,我想创建一个测试参数,指定我希望失败的测试的名称。现在,我可以轻松编写实现 IWrapTestMethodIApplyToContext 的属性,但随后我需要将其应用于每个测试方法。

有没有办法在不触及每个测试 and/or 装置的情况下实现它?通过某种装配级别属性或装配级别设置方法,在每次测试之前 运行?

这一逻辑不会阻止 运行ning 中的 TearDown 方法是至关重要的,因此 ITestActionBeforeTest 中抛出异常不符合要求。



using NUnit.Framework;
using NUnit.Framework.Interfaces;
using NUnit.Framework.Internal;
using System;
using System.Reflection;

[assembly: Common.EnableFailureSimulation]

namespace Common
    public class SimulateFailureMethodInfoWrapper : IMethodInfo
        private readonly IMethodInfo m_mi;

        public SimulateFailureMethodInfoWrapper(IMethodInfo mi)
            m_mi = mi;

        public ITypeInfo TypeInfo => m_mi.TypeInfo;

        public MethodInfo MethodInfo => m_mi.MethodInfo;

        public string Name => m_mi.Name;

        public bool IsAbstract => m_mi.IsAbstract;

        public bool IsPublic => m_mi.IsPublic;

        public bool ContainsGenericParameters => m_mi.ContainsGenericParameters;

        public bool IsGenericMethod => m_mi.IsGenericMethod;

        public bool IsGenericMethodDefinition => m_mi.IsGenericMethodDefinition;

        public ITypeInfo ReturnType => m_mi.ReturnType;

        public T[] GetCustomAttributes<T>(bool inherit) where T : class => m_mi.GetCustomAttributes<T>(inherit);

        public Type[] GetGenericArguments() => m_mi.GetGenericArguments();

        public IParameterInfo[] GetParameters() => m_mi.GetParameters();

        public object Invoke(object fixture, params object[] args)
            var res = m_mi.Invoke(fixture, args);
            Assert.Fail("Failure simulation");
            return res;

        public bool IsDefined<T>(bool inherit) where T : class => m_mi.IsDefined<T>(inherit);

        public IMethodInfo MakeGenericMethod(params Type[] typeArguments) => m_mi.MakeGenericMethod(typeArguments);

    public class EnableFailureSimulationAttribute : Attribute, ITestAction
        private static string s_failTestMethod = GetParameterByName("!");

        public ActionTargets Targets => ActionTargets.Test;

        public void AfterTest(ITest test)

        public void BeforeTest(ITest test)
            if (test.MethodName == s_failTestMethod && test is Test testImpl)
                testImpl.Method = new SimulateFailureMethodInfoWrapper(testImpl.Method);
                s_failTestMethod = "!";

另一种方法是使用 Moq 并模拟 IMethodInfo 接口,而不是使用真正的 SimulateFailureMethodInfoWrapper class.
