RSA_private_decrypt 第二次调用时崩溃

RSA_private_decrypt crashes when called for the second time


int BCVirtualCard::decrypt(std::string from, std::string *to, int keyId, bool padding)
    if (to == nullptr)
        NSCAssert(NO, @"Invalid params");
        return 0;

    NSString* privateKey            = [m_storage privateKeyForSlot:keyId];
    NSArray<NSString*>* components  = [privateKey componentsSeparatedByString:@"_"];
    const NSInteger componentsCount = 4;

    if (components.count != componentsCount)
        *to = "";
        return 0;

    const char* d = [components[0] UTF8String];
    const char* n = [components[1] UTF8String];
    const char* p = [components[2] UTF8String];
    const char* q = [components[3] UTF8String];

    RSA* rsa = RSA_new();

    BN_hex2bn(&rsa->d, d);
    BN_hex2bn(&rsa->n, n);
    BN_hex2bn(&rsa->p, p);
    BN_hex2bn(&rsa->q, q);

    unsigned char* _to = (unsigned char *)calloc(1, sizeof(unsigned char));

    int decryptedSize = RSA_private_decrypt((int)from.length(), (unsigned char *)from.c_str(), _to, rsa, RSA_NO_PADDING);


    if (decryptedSize <= 0)
        ERR_print_errors_cb(test, NULL);

        *to = "";
        return 0;

    _to = (unsigned char *)calloc(decryptedSize, sizeof(unsigned char));

    RSA_private_decrypt((int)from.length(), (unsigned char *)from.c_str(), _to, rsa, RSA_NO_PADDING);

    *to = std::string((char *)_to, strlen((char *)_to));



    return 1;

此处字符串from应该被解密并写入字符串to。对于解密,我使用 RSA_private_decrypt 函数。我叫它两次。第一次是为了确定解密文本的大小,第二次是为了将解密文本写入 _to 缓冲区。当我第二次调用它时,它通常会像这样崩溃:

malloc: Heap corruption detected, free list is damaged at 0x280ff3d70
*** Incorrect guard value: 0
No1BCmail(2171,0x170efb000) malloc: *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug

断点打开,这让我找到了崩溃的地方。但是我不明白它崩溃的原因。我尝试重新创建 RSA 结构并第二次使用分配给 _to 的大小,但没有任何帮助。你能看出这里出了什么问题吗?谢谢

RSA_private_decrypt 要求 to 参数指向足够大小的缓冲区。您的第一次调用仅使用大小为 1 的缓冲区,该缓冲区太小并且是未定义的行为。您需要做的是使用 RSA_size(rsa)rsa 获取大小,然后您可以使用它为 _to 分配 space。这意味着您不需要调用该函数两次,因为您第一次就已经有了大小

如果要构建的字符串而不是使用 strlen,则您还应该使用 decryptedSize 作为长度,因为 _to 可能不是空终止的。


int BCVirtualCard::decrypt(std::string from, std::string *to, int keyId, bool padding)
    if (to == nullptr)
        NSCAssert(NO, @"Invalid params");
        return 0;

    NSString* privateKey            = [m_storage privateKeyForSlot:keyId];
    NSArray<NSString*>* components  = [privateKey componentsSeparatedByString:@"_"];
    const NSInteger componentsCount = 4;

    if (components.count != componentsCount)
        *to = "";
        return 0;

    const char* d = [components[0] UTF8String];
    const char* n = [components[1] UTF8String];
    const char* p = [components[2] UTF8String];
    const char* q = [components[3] UTF8String];

    RSA* rsa = RSA_new();

    BN_hex2bn(&rsa->d, d);
    BN_hex2bn(&rsa->n, n);
    BN_hex2bn(&rsa->p, p);
    BN_hex2bn(&rsa->q, q);

    auto _to = std::make_unique<unsigned char[]>(RSA_size(rsa)); // use smart pointers so you don't have to worry about releasing the memory

    int decryptedSize = RSA_private_decrypt((int)from.length(), (unsigned char *)from.c_str(), _to.get(), rsa, RSA_NO_PADDING);

    if (decryptedSize <= 0)
        ERR_print_errors_cb(test, NULL);    
        *to = "";
        return 0;

    *to = std::string((char *)_to.get(), decryptedSize);
    return 1;