PHP 严格标准在不覆盖超类方法的子类上抛出错误

PHP Strict Standards throwing error on subclass that does not override superclass method


Strict Standards: Declaration of FGLU_Activity::delete() should be compatible with FGLU_Entity::delete($id, $commit = true) in ...

FGLU_Activity 扩展 FGLU_Entity 并且不覆盖静态 ::delete 方法。



class FGLU_Entity {

     * ...

    static function delete($id,$commit=true) {

        global $wpdb;

        // first, delete any rows in mapped tables
        $total_count = 0;
        if ($commit) $wpdb->query("START TRANSACTION");

        $instance = new static::$class_name();
        $instance->{static::$key} = $id;

         * ...

        // then, delete the base row
        $needles = array("xa_table","xa_key","xa_id");
        $threads = array(static::$table,static::$key,$id);
        $sql = fglu_sql(FGLU_SQL_DELETE,$needles,$threads);
        $row_count = $wpdb->query($sql);
        if ($row_count === false) {
            fglu_setError(__METHOD__,"SQL Error<br/>$sql<br/>$wpdb->last_error");
            if ($commit) $wpdb->query("ROLLBACK");
            return false;
        } else {
            if ($commit) $wpdb->query("COMMIT");
            $total_count += $row_count;
            return $total_count;



class FGLU_Activity extends FGLU_Entity {

    // Keys
    public $activity_id;

    // Required Attributes
    public $name;                   
    public $short;                  

    public $activity_cd;            
    public $display_order;          
    public $private = 0;            
    public $school_visit = 0;       
    public $report = 0;             
    public $capacity = 0;           

    // System Attributes

    public $id_user;
    public $dt_updated;

     * ...



FGLU_Activity extends FGLU_Entity and does NOT override the static ::delete method.

Any hints as to how to avoid this error the next time i encounter it?

您有一个子class 包含一个 delete() 方法,其参数与父 class 中的 delete() 方法中的参数不匹配。这不是真正的错误。如果功能不匹配,则重命名子方法以显示此功能,或者如果匹配但父方法中的参数是多余的,请添加 FGLU_Activity($id=NULL,$commit=NULL).

如果您没有在子 class 中也声明该方法,则不会出现此错误。
