替换方法在浏览器中不起作用但在 console.log 中起作用

replace method not working in browser but working in console.log

我正在尝试替换 Wordpress 网站中的多次出现,所以我是这样做的:

window.onload = init;

function init()
    // get all the divs which have specific class names
    let divElems = 

    // loop on the divs
    for(let i = 0 ; i < divElems.length ; i++)
        // get the first child of the div : a <h2>
        let titleElem = divElems[i].childNodes[0];
        // get the first child of the title : a <a>
        let linkElem  = titleElem.childNodes[0];
        // get the text content of the link
        let text      = linkElem.textContent;

        // replace the word test by nothing
        text = text.replace(/test/g, '');
        // all the occurrences of test have been removed in the console.log, but not in browser

但奇怪的是,替换方法在 console.log 中工作正常(我可以看到测试词已被删除),但在 浏览器 页面 !

有人有想法吗? :)


您只是在更新变量值,因此它不会更新实际的元素内容。要使其工作,只需更新 textContent 属性.

text = text.replace(/test/g, '');
linkElem.textContent = text;