jQuery 到 show/hide 必填密码字段

jQuery to show/hide required password field

我有一个表格可以更改用户的个人详细信息。在此表单中,我允许用户更改他们的电子邮件 and/or 密码。使用 jQuery 我想在检测到这些字段之一发生更改时显示 'Current Password' 字段。




let requiredSet;

$('.js-show-target-on-change').on('input', function() {
  const target = $('.js-show-target-on-change__target');
  let currentValue = $(this).val();

  if ( $(this).data('type') === 'email' ) {
    const emailValue = $(this).data('value');

    if ( currentValue !== emailValue && !requiredSet === true ) {
      target.find('input').prop('required', true);

      requiredSet = true;
    } else if ( currentValue === emailValue ) {
      target.find('input').prop('required', false);

      requiredSet = false;
  } else {
    if ( !requiredSet === true ) {
      target.find('input').prop('required', true);

      requiredSet = true;
    } else if ( !currentValue.length ) {
      target.find('input').prop('required', false);

      requiredSet = false;




$('.js-show-target-on-change').on('input', function() {
  const target = $('.js-show-target-on-change__target');
  let currentValue = this.value;

  // if input is email
  if (this.id === 'email') {
    // get default value
    let defValue = $(this).data('value');
    // set attribute value based on old and default value
    $(this).attr('data-changed', defValue !== currentValue);
  } else {
    // if password field then set attribute based on length
    $(this).attr('data-changed', currentValue.length > 0);

  // check number of changed fields 
  let visible = $('input[data-changed="true"]').length > 0;

  // toggle based on the value
  target.find('input').prop('required', visible);


$('.js-show-target-on-change').on('input', function() {
  const target = $('.js-show-target-on-change__target');
  let currentValue = this.value;

  // if input is email
  if (this.id === 'email') {
    // get default value
    let defValue = $(this).data('value');
    // set attribute value based on old and default value
    $(this).attr('data-changed', defValue !== currentValue);
  } else {
    // if password field then set attribute based on length
    $(this).attr('data-changed', currentValue.length > 0);

  // check number of changed fields 
  let visible = $('input[data-changed="true"]').length > 0;

  // toggle based on the value
  target.find('input').prop('required', visible);

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<form method="post" accept-charset="UTF-8" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="c-form">
  <div class="c-form__row">
    <label class="c-form__label" for="email">Email</label>
    <div class="c-form__field">
      <div class="c-input__control">
        <input required class="c-input js-show-target-on-change" data-type="email" type="email" id="email" name="email" value="info@johndoe.com" data-value="info@johndoe.com">

  <div class="c-form__row">
    <label class="c-form__label" for="newPassword">New password</label>
    <div class="c-form__field">
      <div class="c-input__control">
        <input class="c-input js-show-target-on-change" type="password" id="newPassword" name="newPassword">

  <div class="c-form__row js-show-target-on-change__target" style="display: none;">
    <label class="c-form__label" for="currentPassword">
      Current password
      <span class="u-warning">(required to change email or password)</span>
    <div class="c-form__field">
      <div class="c-input__control">
        <input class="c-input" type="password" id="currentPassword" name="password">

  <div class="c-form__submit">
    <button class="c-button c-button--fullwidth" type="submit">Save</button>


cost email = $('#email').val() // get the starting value of the email 
                               // field to check if it has changed
$('.js-show-target-on-change').on('input', function(){

    const f = $('#email').val() !== email 
        // check if the old email value is different than the new email value

        || $('#newPassword').val().length > 0 
        // check if there is text in the new password field

        ? 'show' : 'hide'; 
        // if one of the above statements are true,show the field, else hide it

    // update the field based on the above condition


const email = $('#email').val();
$('.js-show-target-on-change').on('input', function() {
  const f = $('#email').val() !== email || $('#newPassword').val().length > 0 ? 'show' : 'hide';