C++, Linked Lists for Priority Queues
我正在处理一项任务,目标是制作一个模块,该模块将协助表示显示每个 'item' 的优先级队列,并且它是合适的 'priority value'。我并没有要求任何人像我之前的 post 中所说的那样为我做我的 "homework",我只是寻求帮助以了解我的 insert
和 insertCell
函数给我错误。任何 advice/tips 都会对解决我的问题很有帮助。
//Beginning of Code
//File: pqueue.cpp
//Module pqueue.cpp provides priority queues that include items and their
//priority types. It tests for empty queues, can insert priority queues that
//include a new item with a new priority, can remove priority queues and/or
//items with their priorities, and can print each item along with its priority
//to the standard output.
#include <cstdio>
#include "pqueue.h"
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
//An object of type PQCell represents a cell in a linked list.
//PQCell has three field.
//item- the particular item that is entered
//priority- the priority that an item has
//nextList- a pointer to the next cell in the list
struct PQCell
ItemType item;
PriorityType priority;
PQCell *nextItem;
PQCell(ItemType a, PriorityType b, PQCell* nextCell)
item = a;
priority = b;
nextItem = nextCell;
//Function isEmpty returns true if the queue is empty and false if it is not.
bool isEmpty(const PriorityQueue& q)
if(q.cells == NULL)
return false;
return true;
//Function insertCell inserts item x with priority p into a linked list 'L'.
void insertCell(PQCell*& L, ItemType x, PriorityType p)
if(L==NULL || L -> priority > p)
L = new PQCell(x, p, L);
insertCell(L -> nextItem, x,p);
//Function insert inserts item x with priority p into a priority queue 'q'.
void insert(PriorityQueue& q, ItemType x, PriorityType p)
insertCell(q, x, p);
//Function printPriorityQueue prints a representation of the priority queue
//including each value, x, and it's priority type, y, respectively.
void printPriorityQueue(const PriorityQueue& q, ItemPrinter printItem,
PriorityPrinter printPriority)
PQCell* pointer = q.cells;
while(pointer != NULL)
printf("Item = ");
printf(" Priority = ");
pointer = pointer -> nextItem;
//Function remove removes the item with the smallest priority. It also stores
//the item and it's priority into x and p, respectively.
void remove(PriorityQueue& q, ItemType& x, PriorityType& p)
if(q.cells != NULL)
PQCell *pointer = q.cells;
q.cells = q.cells -> nextItem;
x = pointer -> item;
p = pointer -> priority;
delete [] pointer;
printf("Q is empty");
//File: pqueue.h
typedef const char* ItemType;
typedef double PriorityType;
struct PQCell;
typedef void (*ItemPrinter)(ItemType);
typedef void (*PriorityPrinter)(PriorityType);
struct PriorityQueue
PQCell* cells;
cells = NULL;
bool isEmpty(const PriorityQueue& q);
void insert(PriorityQueue& q, ItemType x, PriorityType p);
void printPriorityQueue(const PriorityQueue& q, ItemPrinter printItem,
PriorityPrinter printPriority);
void remove(PriorityQueue& q, ItemType& x, PriorityType& p);
和 insertCell
pqueue.cpp: In function void insert(PriorityQueue*&, ItemType, PriorityType):
pqueue.cpp:70:20: error: invalid initialization of reference of type PQCell*& from expression of type PriorityQueue*
insertCell(q, x, p);
pqueue.cpp:54:6: error: in passing argument 1 of void insertCell(PQCell*&, ItemType, PriorityType)
void insertCell(PQCell*& L, ItemType x, PriorityType p)
主要问题(导致 invalid initialization
错误的问题)是您将 PriorityQueue&
传递给期望 PQCell*&
//Function insert inserts item x with priority p into a priority queue 'q'.
void insert(PriorityQueue& q, ItemType x, PriorityType p)
// Wrong.
//insertCell(q, x, p);
// You probably meant to do this:
insertCell(q.cells, x, p);
//Function isEmpty returns true if the queue is empty and false if it is not.
bool isEmpty(const PriorityQueue& q)
if(q.cells == NULL)
return false;
return true;
如果 q.cells == NULL
,您将返回 false
,而在这种情况下您可能打算返回 true
,否则 false
我正在处理一项任务,目标是制作一个模块,该模块将协助表示显示每个 'item' 的优先级队列,并且它是合适的 'priority value'。我并没有要求任何人像我之前的 post 中所说的那样为我做我的 "homework",我只是寻求帮助以了解我的 insert
和 insertCell
函数给我错误。任何 advice/tips 都会对解决我的问题很有帮助。
//Beginning of Code
//File: pqueue.cpp
//Module pqueue.cpp provides priority queues that include items and their
//priority types. It tests for empty queues, can insert priority queues that
//include a new item with a new priority, can remove priority queues and/or
//items with their priorities, and can print each item along with its priority
//to the standard output.
#include <cstdio>
#include "pqueue.h"
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
//An object of type PQCell represents a cell in a linked list.
//PQCell has three field.
//item- the particular item that is entered
//priority- the priority that an item has
//nextList- a pointer to the next cell in the list
struct PQCell
ItemType item;
PriorityType priority;
PQCell *nextItem;
PQCell(ItemType a, PriorityType b, PQCell* nextCell)
item = a;
priority = b;
nextItem = nextCell;
//Function isEmpty returns true if the queue is empty and false if it is not.
bool isEmpty(const PriorityQueue& q)
if(q.cells == NULL)
return false;
return true;
//Function insertCell inserts item x with priority p into a linked list 'L'.
void insertCell(PQCell*& L, ItemType x, PriorityType p)
if(L==NULL || L -> priority > p)
L = new PQCell(x, p, L);
insertCell(L -> nextItem, x,p);
//Function insert inserts item x with priority p into a priority queue 'q'.
void insert(PriorityQueue& q, ItemType x, PriorityType p)
insertCell(q, x, p);
//Function printPriorityQueue prints a representation of the priority queue
//including each value, x, and it's priority type, y, respectively.
void printPriorityQueue(const PriorityQueue& q, ItemPrinter printItem,
PriorityPrinter printPriority)
PQCell* pointer = q.cells;
while(pointer != NULL)
printf("Item = ");
printf(" Priority = ");
pointer = pointer -> nextItem;
//Function remove removes the item with the smallest priority. It also stores
//the item and it's priority into x and p, respectively.
void remove(PriorityQueue& q, ItemType& x, PriorityType& p)
if(q.cells != NULL)
PQCell *pointer = q.cells;
q.cells = q.cells -> nextItem;
x = pointer -> item;
p = pointer -> priority;
delete [] pointer;
printf("Q is empty");
//File: pqueue.h
typedef const char* ItemType;
typedef double PriorityType;
struct PQCell;
typedef void (*ItemPrinter)(ItemType);
typedef void (*PriorityPrinter)(PriorityType);
struct PriorityQueue
PQCell* cells;
cells = NULL;
bool isEmpty(const PriorityQueue& q);
void insert(PriorityQueue& q, ItemType x, PriorityType p);
void printPriorityQueue(const PriorityQueue& q, ItemPrinter printItem,
PriorityPrinter printPriority);
void remove(PriorityQueue& q, ItemType& x, PriorityType& p);
和 insertCell
pqueue.cpp: In function void insert(PriorityQueue*&, ItemType, PriorityType):
pqueue.cpp:70:20: error: invalid initialization of reference of type PQCell*& from expression of type PriorityQueue*
insertCell(q, x, p);
pqueue.cpp:54:6: error: in passing argument 1 of void insertCell(PQCell*&, ItemType, PriorityType)
void insertCell(PQCell*& L, ItemType x, PriorityType p)
主要问题(导致 invalid initialization
错误的问题)是您将 PriorityQueue&
传递给期望 PQCell*&
//Function insert inserts item x with priority p into a priority queue 'q'.
void insert(PriorityQueue& q, ItemType x, PriorityType p)
// Wrong.
//insertCell(q, x, p);
// You probably meant to do this:
insertCell(q.cells, x, p);
//Function isEmpty returns true if the queue is empty and false if it is not.
bool isEmpty(const PriorityQueue& q)
if(q.cells == NULL)
return false;
return true;
如果 q.cells == NULL
,您将返回 false
,而在这种情况下您可能打算返回 true
,否则 false