Java 停车费计算

Java Parking fee calculations

看来,我找不到问题的答案,所以我在这里,首先在 Whosebug 上:)


buttonSzamol.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {


                int StartHour = 18;
                int StartMin = 50;
                int StopHour = 20;
                int StopMin = 49;
                int DayTimeIntervalStart = 6;
                int DayTimeIntervalStop = 17;
                int NightTimeIntervalLateStart = 18;
                int NightTimeIntervalLateStop = 23;
                int NightTimeIntervalEarlyStart = 0;
                int NightTimeIntervalEarlyStop = 5;
              int DayHoursTotal = 0;
                int NightHoursTotal = 0;
                int DayTimePricePerHour = Integer.parseInt(NappaliOraDij.getText());
                int NightTimePricePerHour = Integer.parseInt(EjszakaiOraDij.getText());

                int StartDay = Integer.parseInt((DatumStart.getText()).replace(".", ""));
                int StopDay = Integer.parseInt((DatumStart.getText()).replace(".", ""));

                //1 started hour
                if( (StartDay == StopDay) && ( ( (StartHour == StopHour) && (StartMin < StopMin) ) || ( ((StartHour + 1) == StopHour) && (StartMin >= StopMin) ) ) ) {
                    if((DayTimeIntervalStart <= StartHour) && (StopHour <= DayTimeIntervalStop)) {
                    if((NightTimeIntervalLateStart <= StartHour) && (StopHour <= NightTimeIntervalLateStop)) {
                } else/*More hours*/if( (StartDay == StopDay) && ( ( (StartHour < StopHour) && (StartMin <= StopMin) ) || ( (StartHour < StopHour) && (StartMin > StopMin) ) ) ) {
                    if( (StartHour < StopHour) && (StartMin < StopMin) ) {
                        if((DayTimeIntervalStart <= StartHour) && (StopHour <= DayTimeIntervalStop)) {
                            DayHoursTotal = DayHoursTotal + (StopHour - StartHour);
                        if((NightTimeIntervalLateStart <= StartHour) && (StopHour <= NightTimeIntervalLateStop)) {
                            NightHoursTotal = NightHoursTotal + (StopHour - StartHour);
                    }else if(( (StartHour < StopHour) && (StartMin >= StopMin) )) {
                        if((DayTimeIntervalStart <= StartHour) && (StopHour <= DayTimeIntervalStop)) {
                            DayHoursTotal = DayHoursTotal + (StopHour - StartHour);
                            if(StartMin != StopMin) {
                        if((NightTimeIntervalLateStart <= StartHour) && (StopHour <= NightTimeIntervalLateStop)) {
                            NightHoursTotal = NightHoursTotal + (StopHour - StartHour);
                            if(StartMin != StopMin) {

            OrakOsszesen.setText(Integer.toString(DayHoursTotal + NightHoursTotal));
            NappaliOsszeg.setText(Integer.toString(DayHoursTotal * DayTimePricePerHour));
            EjszakaiOsszeg.setText(Integer.toString(NightHoursTotal * NightTimePricePerHour));
            VegOsszeg.setText(Integer.toString((DayHoursTotal * DayTimePricePerHour) + (NightHoursTotal * NightTimePricePerHour)));

所以,简而言之,问题是。 我试图为我的同事创建一个停车费计算器。 主要思想是,它需要计算客户端开始了多少白天和多少夜间时间,并且需要计算这些时间的价格。我已将 StartHour/Min-StopHour/Min 字段更改为直接整数,以便更容易理解。我不知道是否有用于此的模块,但我开始使用大量 If 语句来执行此操作,我只是在其中纠结。在包含的 pastebin 中,有开始时间 18:50 和停止时间 20:49。如果我们输入此数据,则输出应为 2 天开始的小时数。现在,如果分钟相同,则不算作开始时间。但是,如果我们将输入更改为 20:51,那么它又开始了一个小时,因此 DayHoursTotal 应该等于 3。


首先,您需要以不同的方式解析整数。你的方法很危险,例如丢失信息。另外,您需要使代码具有故障安全性,以防有人试图输入无效的值。参考这个问题:How do I convert a String to an int in Java?


看来您正在尝试计算 开始 小时,不仅在 2 之间,而且在不同的 之间]日期.

为此,最好使用 java.time 包,更具体地说是 LocalDateTime class。

LocalDateTime.of(startYear, startMonth, startDay, startHour, startMinute) 

LocalDateTimes 与 Java 中的 between() 方法相结合 8 ChronoUnit class 得到您所需要的。

ChronoUnit.MINUTES.between(Temporal t1, Temporal t2)

day (dayTimeIntervalStart) 和 night (nightTimeIntervalLateStart) 率的开始时间就足够了。

剧透!!如果您想自己进一步调查,请移开视线! ;)

这是一个可运行的代码示例,显示了超过 1 天的停车逻辑:
(我省略了用户输入 parsing/logic,因为这取决于您的实现)

import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;

public class ParkingFee {

    private static long hoursDifference(LocalDateTime ldt1, LocalDateTime ldt2) {
        long minutesDiff = ChronoUnit.MINUTES.between(ldt1, ldt2);
        long hoursDiff = Math.round(Math.ceil(minutesDiff/60.0));
        return hoursDiff;

    public static long hoursDifference(
                                int startDay, int startMonth, int startYear, int startHour, int startMinute, 
                                int endDay, int endMonth, int endYear, int endHour, int endMinute) {
        return hoursDifference(
                    LocalDateTime.of(startYear, startMonth, startDay, startHour, startMinute), 
                    LocalDateTime.of(endYear, endMonth, endDay, endHour, endMinute));

    public static int determineDayCycle(int dayTimeIntervalStart, int nightTimeIntervalLateStart) {
        return nightTimeIntervalLateStart - dayTimeIntervalStart;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Hourly rates
        int dayTimePricePerHour = 5;
        int nightTimePricePerHour = 10;

        // Rate intervals
        int dayTimeIntervalStart = 6;
        int nightTimeIntervalLateStart = 18;

        // Counted hours per rate
        int dayHoursTotal = 0;
        int nightHoursTotal = 0;

        // Start date and time
        int startYear = 2019;
        int startMonth = 1;
        int startDay = 1;
        int startHour = 20;
        int startMinute = 50;

        // End date and time
        int endYear = 2019;
        int endMonth = 1;
        int endDay = 3;
        int endHour = 2;
        int endMinute = 49;

        // Calculate the hours difference
        long hourDiff = hoursDifference(
                startDay, startMonth, startYear, startHour, startMinute, 
                endDay, endMonth, endYear, endHour, endMinute);
        System.out.println("Hour difference found: "+ hourDiff);

        // Handle parking for full days
        if (hourDiff > 24) {
            int dayCycle = determineDayCycle(dayTimeIntervalStart, nightTimeIntervalLateStart);
            long fullDays = hourDiff / 24;
            nightHoursTotal += (24-dayCycle)*fullDays;
            dayHoursTotal += dayCycle*fullDays;
            hourDiff = hourDiff % 24;

        // Handle the parking for less than full day
        while (hourDiff > 0) {
            if (startHour < dayTimeIntervalStart) { // Before the day interval -> night
            } else if(startHour < nightTimeIntervalLateStart) { // Before the night interval -> day
            } else { // After the day interval -> night
            if (startHour > 23) // At midnight reset the hour to 0
                startHour = 0;

        System.out.println("Day hours: "+ dayHoursTotal);
        System.out.println("Night hours: "+ nightHoursTotal);
        System.out.println("Total hours: "+ (dayHoursTotal + nightHoursTotal));
        System.out.println("Day rate charged at "+ dayTimePricePerHour +": "+ (dayHoursTotal * dayTimePricePerHour));
        System.out.println("Night rate charged at "+ nightTimePricePerHour +": "+ (nightHoursTotal * nightTimePricePerHour));
        System.out.println("Total rate charged: "+ ((dayHoursTotal * dayTimePricePerHour) + (nightHoursTotal * nightTimePricePerHour)));


Hour difference found: 30
Day hours: 12
Night hours: 18
Total hours: 30
Day rate charged at 5: 60
Night rate charged at 10: 180
Total rate charged: 240



import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.LocalTime;

class Scratch {
    static int StartHour = 18;
    static int StartMin = 50;
    static int StopHour = 20;
    static int StopMin = 48;
    static int DayTimeIntervalStart = 6;
    static int DayTimeIntervalStop = 17;
    static int NightTimeIntervalLateStart = 18;
    static int NightTimeIntervalLateStop = 23;
    static int NightTimeIntervalEarlyStart = 0;
    static int NightTimeIntervalEarlyStop = 5;
    static int DayTimePricePerHour = 10;
    static int NightTimePricePerHour = 5;
    static LocalTime dayStart = LocalTime.of(DayTimeIntervalStart, 0);
    static LocalTime dayStop = LocalTime.of(DayTimeIntervalStop, 0);
    static LocalTime nightEarlyStart = LocalTime.of(NightTimeIntervalEarlyStart, 0);
    static LocalTime nightEarlyStop = LocalTime.of(NightTimeIntervalEarlyStop, 0);
    static LocalTime nightLateStart = LocalTime.of(NightTimeIntervalLateStart, 0);
    static LocalTime nightLateStop = LocalTime.of(NightTimeIntervalLateStop, 0);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        LocalDateTime start = LocalDateTime.of(2019, 1, 1, StartHour, StartMin);
        LocalDateTime stop = LocalDateTime.of(2019, 1, 1, StopHour, StopMin);

        for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
            stop = stop.plusMinutes(1L);
            System.out.println(process(start, stop));

        stop = stop.plusDays(1L);
        System.out.println(process(start, stop));


    public static int process(LocalDateTime start, LocalDateTime stop){
        System.out.println(String.format("checking between %s and %s", start, stop));
            // start and stop not on the same date
            // split the computation, first currentDay then the rest
            LocalDateTime endOfDay = LocalDateTime.of(start.toLocalDate(), LocalTime.MAX);
            int resultForCurrentDay = process(start, endOfDay);

            // not for the rest
            LocalDateTime startOfNextDay = LocalDateTime.of(start.toLocalDate().plusDays(1L), LocalTime.MIN);
            int resultForRest = process(startOfNextDay, stop);
            return resultForCurrentDay + resultForRest;
            // start and stop on the same date
            return processIntraDay(start, stop);

    private static int processIntraDay(LocalDateTime start, LocalDateTime stop) {
        int result = 0;
        LocalTime startTime = start.toLocalTime();
        LocalTime stopTime = stop.toLocalTime();

        // step 1: check early morning
        result += checkBoundaries(startTime, stopTime, nightEarlyStart, nightEarlyStop, NightTimePricePerHour);

        // step 2: check day time
        result += checkBoundaries(startTime, stopTime, dayStart, dayStop, DayTimePricePerHour);

        // step 3: check late night
        result += checkBoundaries(startTime, stopTime, nightLateStart, nightLateStop, NightTimePricePerHour);

        return result;

    private static int checkBoundaries(LocalTime startTime, LocalTime stopTime, LocalTime lowerBoundary, LocalTime upperBoundary, int priceRatePerHour) {
        // check if the period [start;stop] is crossing the period [lowerBoundary;upperBoundary]
        if(stopTime.isAfter(lowerBoundary) && startTime.isBefore(upperBoundary)){
            // truncate start time to not be before lowerBoundary
            LocalTime actualStart = (startTime.isBefore(lowerBoundary))?lowerBoundary:startTime;

            // symetrically, truncate stop to not be after upperBounday
            LocalTime actualStop = (stopTime.isAfter(upperBoundary))?upperBoundary:stopTime;

            // now that we have the proper start and stop of the period, let's compute the price of it
            return compute(actualStart, actualStop, priceRatePerHour);
            return 0;

    private static int compute(LocalTime startTime, LocalTime stopTime, int pricePerHour) {
        Duration duration = Duration.between(startTime, stopTime);
        int hours = (int) duration.toHours();
        long minutes = duration.toMinutes();
        if(minutes % 60 > 0L){
            // hour started, increasing the number
        int result = hours * pricePerHour;
        System.out.println(String.format("%d hours at %d price/h => %d", hours, pricePerHour, result));
        return result;



checking between 2019-01-01T18:50 and 2019-01-01T20:49
2 hours at 5 price/h => 10
checking between 2019-01-01T18:50 and 2019-01-01T20:50
2 hours at 5 price/h => 10
checking between 2019-01-01T18:50 and 2019-01-01T20:51
3 hours at 5 price/h => 15
checking between 2019-01-01T18:50 and 2019-01-02T20:51
checking between 2019-01-01T18:50 and 2019-01-01T23:59:59.999999999
5 hours at 5 price/h => 25
checking between 2019-01-02T00:00 and 2019-01-02T20:51
5 hours at 5 price/h => 25
11 hours at 10 price/h => 110
3 hours at 5 price/h => 15



您的代码和其他答案无法解决 time zone 异常。如果您跟踪的是实际时刻,即人们实际停车的时间,而不是理论上的 24 小时漫长的一天,那么您必须考虑夏令时 (DST) 等异常情况。世界各地的政治家都表现出重新定义其管辖范围内的时区的倾向。所以天数可以是任意长度,例如 25 小时、23 小时、23.5 小时、24.25 小时或其他。

时区是特定地区人民使用的 offset-from-UTC 过去、现在和未来变化的历史。

LocalDateTime class 完全错误 class 用于此目的。 class 故意没有时区或与 UTC 的偏移量的概念。您可以将其用作代码中的构建块,但必须为其分配 ZoneId 以通过 ZonedDateTime class.




如果未指定时区,JVM 将隐式应用其当前默认时区。该默认值在运行时可能 change at any moment (!),因此您的结果可能会有所不同。最好将 desired/expected 时区明确指定为参数。如果关键,请与您的用户确认区域。

Continent/Region的格式指定一个proper time zone name,例如America/MontrealAfrica/CasablancaPacific/Auckland。切勿使用 2-4 个字母的缩写,例如 ESTIST,因为它们 不是 真正的时区,不是标准化的,甚至不是唯一的(!)。

ZoneId z = ZoneId.of( "America/Montreal" ) ;  

如果你想使用 JVM 当前的默认时区,请求它并作为参数传递。如果省略,代码将变得难以阅读,因为我们不确定您是否打算使用默认值,或者您是否像许多程序员一样没有意识到这个问题。

ZoneId z = ZoneId.systemDefault() ;  // Get JVM’s current default time zone.

Assemble 确定时刻的日期、时间和时区

Assemble 您的日期和时间。

LocalDate startDate = LocalDate.of( 2019 , 1 , 23 ) ;  // 23rd of January in 2019.
LocalTime startTime = LocalTime.of( 18 , 50 ) ;  // 6:50 PM.
ZonedDateTime startMoment = ZonedDateTime.of( startDate , startTime , z ) ;

LocalDate stopDate = LocalDate.of( 2019 , 1 , 23 ) ;  // 23rd of January in 2019.
LocalTime stopTime = LocalTime.of( 20 , 50 ) ;  // Two hours later, exactly — maybe! Depends on any anomalies at that time in that zone.
ZonedDateTime stopMoment = ZonedDateTime.of( stopDate , stopTime , z ) ;

➥ 请注意,在这个例子中,我们 可能 的时间跨度恰好是 2 小时,但 可能不是 。可能是 3 小时或其他时间长度,具体取决于该区域当时为该日期安排的异常情况。


要根据天数(24 小时时间块,与日历无关)、小时、分钟和秒来计算经过的时间,请使用 Duration。 (对于年月日,使用 Period。)

Duration d = Duration.between( startMoment , stopMoment ) ;


long hours = d.toHours() ;  // Entire duration as count of whole hours.


In the included pastebin, there is starting time 18:50 and stop time 20:49. If we input this data, the output should be 2 started day hours. Now if the minute is the same, it does not count as a started hour. But if we change the input to 20:51, then it started an another hour, so the DayHoursTotal should be equal to 3.

这种方法被称为半开,当开始是包含,而结尾是不包含。这通常用于日期时间处理。 DurationPeriod class 应用了这种方法。

但要小心单独匹配分钟数。您的日期时间对象可能会保持秒数 and/or 小数秒,这会影响您的算法。作为一种习惯,如果粒度可能比您想要的更小,请显式截断日期时间对象。例如,ZonedDateTime.truncatedTo


显然,利率变化使事情复杂化。其他答案似乎已经涵盖了这一点,所以我不再重复。但我可以添加一个重要提示:请参阅 ThreeTen-Extra 的 classes IntervalLocalDateRange 可能对您有所帮助。它们包括用于重叠、包含、邻接等的便捷比较方法。