Facebook 请求应用审查。它是否仅指本机 phone 应用程序?

Facebook Request for App Review. Does it refer to native phone apps only?

我在 https://developers.facebook.com/apps/ 收到了以下消息:

Request for App Review Your app was proactively submitted. As a result, permissions you once had access to now appear in your app dashboard as needing App Review. If you still need these permissions, resubmit for App Review. If you no longer need these permissions no action is required. Just wait 30-days from receipt of this notification and they will be removed from your request. Status: Status: Action required: Review and address feedback, and resubmit


有人告诉我:"Be careful. Facebook terminology calls everything an app, including an html web service. They may be referring to our web interface."

我假设这条 Facebook 评论专门提到应用程序,意思是 Android 应用程序或 iOS 应用程序,不包括网络服务。我更多地考虑发布到 Google Play 商店的 Facebook 评论。你知道他们指的是什么吗?谢谢。

不,不是。它指的是本机 phone 应用程序和 Web 应用程序。