webdriverio 5.7.5 获取错误 $(...).setValue 不是函数

webdriverio 5.7.5 getting error $(...).setValue is not a function

我有一个可以正常运行的 webdriverio 框架,可以毫无问题地执行。但最近我在两者之间加入了一个 REST api 调用,此后任何 wdio 命令在 api 调用之后都会失败,并显示错误消息 "is not a function"

api响应成功。没有 api 相同的 wdio 方法执行成功。

如果中间有 api 调用,$ 功能会丢失 wdio 实例的跟踪,这会发生一些奇怪的事情。我正在努力解决这个问题,并且在没有 api 调用的情况下,无法创建我的测试自动化框架。因此,对此的投入将不胜感激。


import { expect } from 'chai';
import apiCheck from 'src/ext/api.check';
import lPage from 'src/pages/login.page';
import sPage from 'src/pages/summary.page';

let superTest = require('supertest');

const request = superTest('http://localhost:3000/api/');
const apiEndPoint = 'auth/login';
const headerOrigin = 'http://localhost:3001';
const headerCookie = '__DEEI_SESSION__=abcd1234';

describe('fund part ', () => {
        beforeEach(() => {

        it('Get API Response in seperate ts file and run through wdio steps', async () => {
            let accountNo = lPage.getLoginAccountType('Standard');

            try {
                    let res = await apiCheck.getApiLoginData(accountNo);

                } catch (error) {

            lPage.enterLoginData(accountNo, '2dsXS£');

        it('Get API Response in same it block and run through wdio steps', async () => {

            let accountNo = lPage.getLoginAccountType('Standard');

            let requestBody = `{"username": \"${accountNo}\", "password": "2dsXS£$"}`;
            let response = await request
                .set('Origin', headerOrigin)
                .set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
                .set('Cookie', headerCookie)

            lPage.enterLoginData(accountNo, password);

尝试使用 sync-request 而不是超级测试。这将使 Rest 请求在测试环境中同步使用。

const request = require('sync-request');
it('Get API Response in same it block and run through wdio steps', () => {

            let accountNo = lPage.getLoginAccountType('Standard');

            let requestBody = `{"username": \"${accountNo}\", "password": "2dsXS£$"}`;
            let response = request(
                    headers: { _SOME_HEADER_IF_NEEDED_},
                    json: {_JSON_FOR_POST}

            lPage.enterLoginData(accountNo, password);