使用 " 时 Nu Html 检查器错误 "A numeric character reference expanded to carriage return." “

Nu Html Checker Error "A numeric character reference expanded to carriage return." when using "

我想在属性标题中使用回车 return。 我有这个 HTML 代码:

<a href="javascript:;" title="Line 1 &#013;Line 2">Link Text</a>

但是 Nu Html Checker 抛出错误:

【Error】 A numeric character reference expanded to carriage return.



&#013;&#xD; 是转义 Unicode 控制字符 "CARRIAGE RETURN"(根据 UnicodeData.txt)的数字字符引用。

在 HTML 中,文本(如 attribute values) must not 中包含控制字符(space 字符除外):

The numeric character reference forms described above are allowed to reference any Unicode code point other than […] control characters other than space characters.

根据链接定义,"CARRIAGE RETURN" 不是 space 字符。

如果要换行,可以使用&#10;/&#xA;,转义Unicode控制字符"LINE FEED",但是这个被定义为space 字符,所以它在文本中是允许的。

<a href="javascript:;" title="Line 1&#10;Line 2">Link Text</a>
<a href="javascript:;" title="Line 1&#xA;Line 2">Link Text</a>

来自title attribute的定义:

If the title attribute’s value contains U+000A LINE FEED (LF) characters, the content is split into multiple lines. Each U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character represents a line break.


<a href="javascript:;" title="Line 1
Line 2">Link Text</a>