什么是 RDS 或可靠的数据报套接字

What are RDS or reliable datagram sockets

对 RDS 的快速搜索指向可靠数据报套接字的 linux 手册页 http://linux.die.net/man/7/rds

有人用过吗?如果用过,它们与 TCP 或 UDP 套接字有何不同?



Currently, RDS can be transported over Infiniband, and loopback. RDS over TCP is disabled, but will be re-enabled in the near future.

[rds-devel] What is RDS and why did we build it ?:

.... is a socket interface - existing UDP apps usual run on RDS with no modifications or require minimal change.

RDS Wire Specification 3.1:

The RDS protocol allows multiple reliable datagram socket operations between two nodes to share a single connection-oriented connection. Currently supported transports include TCP sockets and IB Verbs Reliable Connected connections.

换句话说,这听起来像是在 TCP 上实现为 UDP 的面向消息的流。