Sqs Akka Stream 内存不足

Out of memory with Sqs Akka Stream

下面的代码在 运行 (java config xms 1024 xmx2G) 的 15 分钟内在 EC2 实例上抛出 OOO,但在 运行ning on intellij 时不会抛出任何错误。

      //parallelism = maxBufferSize / maxBatchSize 20 10
      SqsSourceSettings().withWaitTime(10 seconds)
    ).map {
      msg => {
        val out = Source.single(msg)
          .log("error while consuming events internally.")

        val reducedResponse = out.map(response => {
          response.foldLeft[Response](OK)((a, b) =>
            if (a == OK && b == OK) OK else NotOK)

        val messageAction = reducedResponse
          .map(res =>
            if (res == OK) {
              //log.info("finally response is OK hence message action delete is prepared. {}.", msg.messageId())
            } else
      // For the SQS Sinks and Sources the sum of all parallelism (Source) and maxInFlight (Sink)
      // must be less than or equal to the thread pool size.
      .log("error log")
      .runWith(SqsAckSink(queueUrl, SqsAckSettings(1)))


我用 1.0-M3 和 1.0-RC1 都试过了。 有解决办法吗?

使用 jhat 的前 5 个对象创建直方图 -

Class   Instance Count  Total Size
class [C    1376284 2068640582
class software.amazon.awssdk.services.sqs.model.Message 332718  18632208
class java.lang.String  1375675 16508100
class [Lakka.dispatch.forkjoin.ForkJoinTask;    227 14880304
class scala.collection.immutable.$colon$colon   334396  5350336

我在这里也发现了类似的问题 - https://github.com/akka/alpakka/issues/1588


所以这是现有 Alpakka 框架中的 OOM 问题,并在 1.0-RC2 中得到解决 - https://github.com/akka/alpakka/milestone/27

然而,作为替代 https://github.com/s12v/akka-stream-sqs 作为魅力发挥作用(尽管它已被弃用,取而代之的是 Alpakka Sqs)

您可以等待 RC2/1.0.0 Alpakka 发布,或者您可以同时创建自己的 SQS 源代码,因为代码行数不多:

object MyVeryOwnSqsSource {

  def apply(
      queueUrl: String,
      settings: SqsSourceSettings = SqsSourceSettings.Defaults
  )(implicit sqsClient: SqsAsyncClient): Source[Message, NotUsed] =
      .repeat {
        val requestBuilder =

        settings.visibilityTimeout match {
          case None => requestBuilder.build()
          case Some(t) => requestBuilder.visibilityTimeout(t.toSeconds.toInt).build()
      .mapAsync(settings.maxBufferSize / settings.maxBatchSize)(sqsClient.receiveMessage(_).toScala)
      .takeWhile(messages => !settings.closeOnEmptyReceive || messages.nonEmpty)
      .buffer(settings.maxBufferSize, OverflowStrategy.backpressure)


      //parallelism = maxBufferSize / maxBatchSize 20 10
      SqsSourceSettings().withWaitTime(10 seconds)
    ).map {
      msg => {
        val out = Source.single(msg)
          .log("error while consuming events internally.")

        val reducedResponse = out.map(response => {
          response.foldLeft[Response](OK)((a, b) =>
            if (a == OK && b == OK) OK else NotOK)

        val messageAction = reducedResponse
          .map(res =>
            if (res == OK) {
              //log.info("finally response is OK hence message action delete is prepared. {}.", msg.messageId())
            } else
      // For the SQS Sinks and Sources the sum of all parallelism (Source) and maxInFlight (Sink)
      // must be less than or equal to the thread pool size.
      .log("error log")