
Applying cast to dynamically required function in typed racket

我正在尝试在 运行 时加载和使用来自不同模块的函数。问题是 dynamic-require 的范围 Any 似乎无法 casted 为更具体的(函数)类型。


#lang typed/racket

(module other-module typed/racket
  (provide f)
  (: f : Integer -> Integer)
  (define (f x)
    (* x 2)))

; g has type Any because dynamic-require returns a value of type Any
(define g (dynamic-require '(submod "test.rkt" other-module) 'f))

;contract violation
;  Attempted to use a higher-order value passed as `Any` in untyped code: #<procedure:f>
;  in: Any
;  contract from: typed-world
;  blaming: cast
;   (assuming the contract is correct)
((cast g (-> Integer Integer)) 3)

有没有什么方法可以在 运行 时从 #lang typed/racket 中的不同模块加载和使用函数?


#lang typed/racket

(module other-module typed/racket
  (provide f)
  (: f : Integer -> Integer)
  (define (f x)
    (* x 2)))

(module another-module racket
  (define g (dynamic-require '(submod "test.rkt" other-module) 'f))
  (provide g))

(require/typed 'another-module
  (g (-> Integer Integer)))

(g 3)
;; 6

但是,是的,如果 dynamic-require 可以采用目标类型或 Typed Racket 允许无类型区域(与 with-type 相反),那就更好了。