设置 x 轴与 y 轴相交于 0 点阵

set the x-axis to meet y-axis at 0 with lattice

我正在为 R 中的一些情节而苦苦挣扎。目前我是 运行 R 版本: R 版本 3.2.0 (2015-04-16) 平台:i386-w64-mingw32/i386(32 位) 运行 下:Windows 7(内部版本 7601)Service Pack 1

我真的希望有人能给我一些关于如何设置我的 x 轴以在 0 处与 y 轴相交的建议。我正在使用 lattice 创建一个 barchart,但有错误-使用标准偏差值创建的条形图,但似乎 x 轴在与 y 轴相交时不会从 0 开始。 从这里可以看出:

我正在使用这个数据集 "order":

 Order    Area   Count        Stdev
order1  Area 1  224122  37263.35097
order2  Area 1    2091  253.0564825
order3  Area 1   45867  4450.600737
order4  Area 1   32816  4563.089816
order1  Area 2   71548  2046.367025
order2  Area 2     309  24.74873734
order3  Area 2   22564  315.3696244
order4  Area 2   10686  987.1210665


#it is better to prepare the prepanel before with all the setting 
prepanel=function(y, Stdev, subscripts=subscripts, ...){
  uy <- as.numeric(y+Stdev[subscripts])#upper y so max value for error bar
  ly <- as.numeric(y-Stdev[subscripts])#lower y so min value for error bar
  list(ylim=range(y,uy,ly, finite=TRUE))
panel.err=function(x, y, subscripts, groups, Stdev, box.ratio, ...){
  d <- 1/(nlevels(groups)+nlevels(groups)/box.ratio)
  g <- (as.numeric(groups[subscripts])-1); g <- (g-median(g))*d
  panel.arrows(as.numeric(x)+g,y-Stdev[subscripts], as.numeric(x)+g, y+Stdev[subscripts],
               code=3,angle=90, length=0.025)

barchart(Count~Order,#tells it what x and y are for the plot
         groups=Area,#tells it the subdivision in x
         data=order,#tells it where to get the info from
         auto.key=list(points=FALSE,rectangles=TRUE,columns=2, title="Area",cex.title=1),#adds the key how to spread the legend and the title of it
         main="Order per Area", #this create the title of the graph 
         #scales=list(x=list(rot=0))), #rotate the x-axis labels 
         panel=function(x, y, subscripts, groups, Stdev, box.ratio, ...){
           panel.barchart(x, y, subscripts=subscripts,
                          groups=groups, box.ratio=box.ratio, ...)
           panel.err(x, y, subscripts=subscripts,
                     groups=groups, box.ratio=box.ratio, Stdev=order$Stdev)

我试过设置 xaxs='i'yaxs='i' 甚至设置 xlim=(0,) 但它不会成功,所以我想知道是否有人知道如何设置排序。

是的,yaxslattice 中不起作用。有关处理方式,请参阅

但是,我通过跳过 prepanel 并直接在 barchart 调用中计算 ylim 来实现它。

                 Area=rep(paste0("Area ",1:2),each=4),

panel.err=function(x, y, subscripts, groups, Stdev, box.ratio, ...){
  d <- 1/(nlevels(groups)+nlevels(groups)/box.ratio)
  g <- (as.numeric(groups[subscripts])-1); g <- (g-median(g))*d
  panel.arrows(as.numeric(x)+g,y-Stdev[subscripts], as.numeric(x)+g, y+Stdev[subscripts],
               code=3,angle=90, length=0.025)

barchart(Count~Order,#tells it what x and y are for the plot
         groups=Area,#tells it the subdivision in x
         data=order,#tells it where to get the info from
         auto.key=list(points=FALSE,rectangles=TRUE,columns=2, title="Area",cex.title=1),#adds the key how to spread the legend and the title of it
         main="Order per Area", #this create the title of the graph 
         #scales=list(x=list(rot=0))), #rotate the x-axis labels 
         panel=function(x, y, subscripts, groups, Stdev, box.ratio, ...){
           panel.barchart(x, y, subscripts=subscripts,
                          groups=groups, box.ratio=box.ratio, ...)
           panel.err(x, y, subscripts=subscripts,
                     groups=groups, box.ratio=box.ratio, Stdev=order$Stdev)

我将 4% 添加到上限,因此误差条不会落在边界框上。我使用零作为下限而不是数据中的其他最小值,因为这更适合条形图。