
How to fix appending a timestamp when moving a folder on a remote server to a new location on the remote server?

我正在尝试 运行 在我的本地计算机上创建一个批处理脚本,它将处理某些服务器上的一些日志归档。我可以通过文件资源管理器“\SERVERNAME\C$\SOME FOLDER”访问服务器。当我尝试从本地 xcopy 从源到目标并附加时间戳时,它就像 TIMESTAMP 变量不存储我的 date/time 连接。

这是针对 windows 2012r2 服务器的,我尝试仅将 date\time 附加到末尾,效果很好,但是,它不是我正在寻找的所需格式,它开始了用日期嵌套目录但没有时间,看起来一团糟。 :(

我也尝试过使用 wmic,但这是我第一次编写批处理文件来自动执行某些任务,所以所有这些都是一次很棒的学习经历。

我试过 echo %TIMESTAMP% 但没有 returns?我什至尝试将串联 (%CUR_YYYY%%CUR_MM%%CUR_DD%-%CUR_HH%%CUR_NN%%CUR_SS%) 直接添加到文件目录,但它不起作用:(

REM Check to see if a service on the machine is stopped (it is always stopped by the time it gets here) before we move the files from the logging directory to a new one.
for /F "tokens=3 delims=: " %%H in ('sc \REMOTESERVER query "SOME SERVICE NAME" ^| findstr "        STATE"') do (
  if /I "%%H" == "STOPPED" (
    REM substring the date and time and then concat it together at the end to make the desired timestamp variable
      set CUR_YYYY = %date:~10,4%
      set CUR_MM = %date:~4,2%
      set CUR_DD = %date:~7,2%
      set CUR_HH = %time:~0,2%
      set CUR_NN = %time:~3,2%
      set CUR_SS = %time:~6,2%
      set CUR_MS = %time:~9,2%

    REM copy files from the servers source directory and then move the files to a newly created logging folder with a timestamp appened at the end
    echo d | xcopy /f /y "\REMOTE SERVER\src" "\REMOTE SERVER\dest\Logging_%TIMESTAMP%" /E /I
    REM delete the contents of the servers source directory to keep things nice and clean
    pushd \REMOTE SERVER\src && del . /F /Q popd

预期结果如下: 服务器上的 SourceFolder 将在那里但为空 DestinationFolder 将创建一个新的 Logging 文件夹 Logging_20190325010101,在新创建的日志文件夹中,SourceFolder 中的所有内容都应该在那里。


@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
REM Check to see if a service on the machine is stopped (it is always stopped by the time it gets here) before we move the files from the logging directory to a new one.
for /F "tokens=3 delims=: " %%H in ('sc \REMOTESERVER query "SOME SERVICE NAME" ^| findstr "        STATE"') do (
  if /I "%%H" == "STOPPED" (
REM substring the date and time and then concat it together at the end to make the desired timestamp variable
  set "CUR_YYYY=%date:~10,4%"
  set "CUR_MM=%date:~4,2%"
  set "CUR_DD=%date:~7,2%"
  set "mytime=!time::=!"
  set "mytime=!mytime:,=!"
  set "TIMESTAMP=!CUR_YYYY!!CUR_MM!!CUR_DD!-!mytime!"

REM copy files from the servers source directory and then move the files to a newly created logging folder with a timestamp appened at the end
echo d | xcopy /f /y "\REMOTE SERVER\src" "\REMOTE SERVER\dest\Logging_!TIMESTAMP!" /E /I
REM delete the contents of the servers source directory to keep things nice and clean
pushd \REMOTE SERVER\src && del . /F /Q popd

然而,为了解释您的问题,当您设置变量时,白色 space 作为变量的一部分出现。所以:

set variable = value

会产生一个尾随 space %variable % 和一个前导 space <space>value 的变量,所以我们总是去掉白色 space 并且最好使用双引号来消除值后面可能出现的白色space。例如:

set "variable=value"

这将创建 %variable%value


    set "test=1"
    echo [%test%]

... 会回显“[]”,因为 %test% 检索到的 set。在评估 %test% 时,它没有任何价值。您必须使用 setlocal enabledelayedexpansioncall echo [%%test%%](或 cmd /c 或类似的)来延迟扩展。使用 setlocal enabledelayedexpansion 时,您可以通过使用 ! 而不是 % 来表示变量来延迟扩展。有关详细信息,请参阅 cmd 控制台中的 setlocal /?set /? - 特别是 set /? 中以 "Finally, support for delayed environment variable expansion has been added."


此外,使用 wmic os get localdatetime 编写时间戳更简单且与区域设置无关。示例:

for /f "delims=." %%I in ('wmic os get localdatetime /value ^| find "="') do set "%%~I"
echo %localdatetime%

这应该导致 %localdatetime% 包含 YYYYMMDDHHMMSS 的当前数值。