
How to pretty print the csv which has long columns from command line?

我想从命令行查看和打印 this csv 文件。为此,我使用 csvlook nupic_out.csv | less -#2 -N -S 命令。问题是这个 csv 文件有很长的一列(它是第 5-multiStepPredictions.1)到这一列的所有内容都正确显示

  1 -----------------+--------------------+-----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2  angle           | sine               | multiStepPredictions.actual | multiStepPredictions.1
  3 -----------------+--------------------+-----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4  string          | string             | string                      | string
  5                  |                    |                             |
  6  0.0             | 0.0                | 0.0                         | None
  7  0.0314159265359 | 0.0314107590781    | 0.0314107590781             | {0.0: 1.0}
  8  0.0628318530718 | 0.0627905195293    | 0.0627905195293             | {0.0: 0.0039840637450199202      0.03141075907812829: 0.99601593625497931}
  9  0.0942477796077 | 0.0941083133185    | 0.0941083133185             | {0.03141075907812829: 1.0}
 10  0.125663706144  | 0.125333233564     | 0.125333233564              | {0.06279051952931337: 0.98942669172932329        0.03141075907812829: 0.010573308270676691}
 11  0.157079632679  | 0.15643446504      | 0.15643446504               | {0.03141075907812829: 0.0040463956041429626      0.09410831331851431: 0.94917381047888194        0.06279051952931337: 0.04677979391
 12  0.188495559215  | 0.187381314586     | 0.187381314586              | {0.12533323356430426: 0.85789473684210527        0.09410831331851431: 0.14210526315789476}
 13  0.219911485751  | 0.218143241397     | 0.218143241397              | {0.15643446504023087: 0.63177315983686211        0.12533323356430426: 0.26859584385317475        0.09410831331851431: 0.09963099630
 14  0.251327412287  | 0.248689887165     | 0.248689887165              | {0.06279051952931337: 0.3300438596491227         0.1873813145857246: 0.47381368550527647         0.15643446504023087: 0.12643231695
 15  0.282743338823  | 0.278991106039     | 0.278991106039              | {0.21814324139654254: 0.56140350877192935        0.03141075907812829: 0.0032894736842105313      0.1873813145857246: 0.105263157894
 16  0.314159265359  | 0.309016994375     | 0.309016994375              | {0.2486898871648548: 0.8228480378168288  0.03141075907812829: 0.0029688002160632981      0.1873813145857246: 0.022936632244020292
 17  0.345575191895  | 0.338737920245     | 0.338737920245              | {0.2486898871648548: 0.13291723147401985         0.2789911060392293: 0.77025390613412514         0.21814324139654254: 0.06654338668
 18  0.376991118431  | 0.368124552685     | 0.368124552685              | {0.2486898871648548: 0.10230061459892241         0.2789911060392293: 0.14992465949587844         0.21814324139654254: 0.06517018413
 19  0.408407044967  | 0.397147890635     | 0.397147890635              | {0.33873792024529137: 0.67450197451277849        0.2486898871648548: 0.028274124758268366        0.2789911060392293: 0.077399230934
 20  0.439822971503  | 0.425779291565     | 0.425779291565              | {0.33873792024529137: 0.17676914536466748        0.3681245526846779: 0.6509556160617509  0.2486898871648548: 0.04784688995215327
 21  0.471238898038  | 0.45399049974      | 0.45399049974               | {0.33873792024529137: 0.038582651338955089       0.3681245526846779: 0.14813277049357607         0.2486898871648548: 0.029239766081
 22  0.502654824574  | 0.481753674102     | 0.481753674102              | {0.3681245526846779: 0.035163881050575212        0.42577929156507266: 0.61447711863333254        0.2486898871648548: 0.015554881705
 23  0.53407075111   | 0.50904141575      | 0.50904141575               | {0.33873792024529137: 0.076923076923077108       0.42577929156507266: 0.11307647489430354        0.45399049973954675: 0.66410206612
 24  0.565486677646  | 0.535826794979     | 0.535826794979              | {0.42577929156507266: 0.035628438284964516       0.45399049973954675: 0.22906083786048709        0.3971478906347806: 0.014132015120
 25  0.596902604182  | 0.562083377852     | 0.562083377852              | {0.5090414157503713: 0.51578106597362727         0.45399049973954675: 0.095000708551421106       0.06279051952931337: 0.08649420683
 26  0.628318530718  | 0.587785252292     | 0.587785252292              | {0.5090414157503713: 0.10561370056909389         0.45399049973954675: 0.063130123291224485       0.5358267949789967: 0.617348556187
 27  0.659734457254  | 0.612907053653     | 0.612907053653              | {0.5090414157503713: 0.036017118165629407        0.45399049973954675: 0.013316643552779454       0.5358267949789967: 0.236874795987
 28  0.69115038379   | 0.637423989749     | 0.637423989749              | {0.2486898871648548: 0.037593984962406228        0.21814324139654254: 0.033834586466165564       0.5358267949789967: 0.085397996837
 29  0.722566310326  | 0.661311865324     | 0.661311865324              | {0.6129070536529765: 0.49088597257034694         0.2486898871648548: 0.072573707671854309        0.06279051952931337: 0.04684445139
 30  0.753982236862  | 0.684547105929     | 0.684547105929              | {0.6129070536529765: 0.16399317807418579         0.2486898871648548: 0.066194656736965368        0.2789911060392293: 0.015074193295


  1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+---------------------------------+----------------------------+--------------+---
  2                                                                                                         | anomalyScore | multiStepBestPredictions.actual | multiStepBestPredictions.1 | anomalyLabel | mu
  3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+---------------------------------+----------------------------+--------------+---
  4                                                                                                         | string       | string                          | string                     | string       | fl
  5                                                                                                         |              |                                 |                            |              |
  6                                                                                                         | 1.0          | 0.0                             | None                       | []           | 0
  7                                                                                                         | 1.0          | 0.0314107590781                 | 0.0                        | []           | 10
  8                                                                                                             | 1.0          | 0.0627905195293                 | 0.0314107590781            | []
  9                                                                                                         | 1.0          | 0.0941083133185                 | 0.0314107590781            | []           | 66
 10                                                                                                               | 1.0          | 0.125333233564                  | 0.0627905195293            | []
 11                                                                                                                   | 1.0          | 0.15643446504                   | 0.0941083133185            | []
 12                                                                                                               | 1.0          | 0.187381314586                  | 0.125333233564             | []
 13                                                                                                                     | 1.0          | 0.218143241397                  | 0.15643446504              | []
 14                                                                                                                                  | 1.0          | 0.248689887165                  | 0.187381314586
 15                                                                                                                          | 1.0          | 0.278991106039                  | 0.218143241397             |
 16                                                                                                                        | 1.0          | 0.309016994375                  | 0.248689887165             | []
 17                                                                                                                                  | 1.0          | 0.338737920245                  | 0.278991106039
 18 075907812829: 0.0008726186745285988      0.3090169943749474: 0.36571033632089267         0.15643446504023087: 0.15263157894736851}                | 1.0          | 0.368124552685                  | 0.30
 19 69943749474: 0.12243639244611626         0.15643446504023087: 0.076923076923077024}                                                         | 1.0          | 0.397147890635                  | 0.33873792
 20 474: 0.042824288244468607}                                                                                                      | 1.0          | 0.425779291565                  | 0.368124552685
 21 78906347806: 0.72014752277063943         0.3090169943749474: 0.019779736758565116}                                                          | 1.0          | 0.45399049974                   | 0.39714789
 22 323356430426: 0.030959752321981428       0.09410831331851431: 0.027863777089783253}                                                        | 1.0          | 0.481753674102                  | 0.425779291
 23 831331851431: 0.036437246963562819}                                                                                                 | 1.0          | 0.50904141575                   | 0.45399049974
 24 831331851431: 0.011027980232581683}                                                                                                  | 1.0          | 0.535826794979                  | 0.481753674102
 25 929156507266: 0.027856989831229011       0.15643446504023087: 0.02066616653788458        0.09410831331851431: 0.016739594895686508}             | 1.0          | 0.562083377852                  | 0.5090
 26 13145857246: 0.08333333333333337         0.42577929156507266: 0.025020076940584089}                                                             | 1.0          | 0.587785252292                  | 0.5358
 27 075907812829: 0.0025974025974026035      0.5620833778521306: 0.59566175023106149}                                                         | 1.0          | 0.612907053653                  | 0.5620833778
 28 33778521306: 0.19639042255084313}   one                                                                                                   | 1.0          | 0.637423989749                  | 0.587785252292
 29 13145857246: 0.0046487548012272466       0.21814324139654254: 0.070071166027997234       0.5620833778521306: 0.087432430700408653}               | 1.0          | 0.661311865324                  | 0.612
 30 39897486896: 0.53158336716673826         0.3090169943749474: 0.016749103661249369        0.5620833778521306: 0.027323827946545261}                 | 1.0          | 0.684547105929                  | 0.6

如何漂亮地打印整个 csv?


column -s, -t < nupic_out.csv | less -#2 -N -S

csvtool readable nupic_out.csv | less -#2 -N -S

我相信 csvlook 像对待任何其他字符一样对待该列中的制表符,并且不知道它们的特殊行为。


expand -t1 nupic_out.csv | csvlook