
Information about energy of a node


目前 UnetStack 模拟器不直接提供能量测量。但是,自己动手进行模拟并不难。请参阅此讨论以获取一些建议:

  • https://unetstack.net/support/viewtopic.php?id=81:

    The current version of UnetStack does not have any energy model per se. But the trace and logs provide you all the information you'll need (transmit/receive counts, simulation time) to compute the energy consumption. Specifically, you'd want to assign some energy per packet transmission, some energy per packet reception, and some power consumption while idling. If you dynamically adjust power level or packet duration in your protocol, you will need to account for that too.

使用 UnetStack 的实际设备通常有一个 battery 电压参数,可以提供一些可用能量的度量。然而,这可能很难使用,因为电池电压与能量不是线性相关的,而是高度依赖于实际的电池化学成分。
