如何在 NSTimer 中修复“将 'void (void)' 发送到 'SEL _Nonnull' 类型的参数的不兼容指针类型”

How to fix " Incompatible pointer types sending 'void (void)' to parameter of type 'SEL _Nonnull' " in NSTimer

在 Objective C 中,我尝试创建在构造函数中的 NSTimer 选择器中调用的方法。但是,我收到此错误,导致我的应用在构建时失败:

不兼容的指针类型将 'void (void)' 发送到 'SEL _Nonnull'

@implementation Employee
void timerMethod(void);
- (id)init {
    self = [super init];
    if (self) {
        _person = [[Person alloc] init];
        _timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1 target:self selector:(timerMethod) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
    return self;

int counter = 0;
int timeUp = 10;
- (void) timerMethod {
    counter += 1;
    while (counter != timeUp) {
        NSLog(@"A new person has been added");
        [_timer invalidate];
        counter ++;

您必须创建一个 @selector

_timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1 target:self selector:@selector(timerMethod) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];