Excel VBA - 确定项目中是否包含模块

Excel VBA - Determine if a Module is included in a project

我目前正在处理一个无法验证是否已安装所有模块的项目。越来越多的模块被用于我使用的程序的通用功能。我在网上尝试了一些解决方案,但由于我不熟悉 Activeworkbook.VBProject.VBComponents() 方法,所以无法使用。

有人提到我应该检查工具参考 Microsoft Visual Basic For Applications Extensibility 我检查过没有结果。任何帮助,将不胜感激。 :)





Option Explicit

Public Function Is_Module_Loaded(name As String) As Boolean
    Dim Module As Object
    Dim Module_Name As String
    Module_Name = name
    Is_Module_Loaded = False

    On Error GoTo errload
        Set Module = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(Module_Name).CodeModule

    Is_Module_Loaded = True

    If (0 <> 0) Then
        MsgBox ("MODULE: " & Module_Name & " is not installed please add")
    End If

End Function

当 运行 代码时,我没有收到任何非常有用的错误,除了我自己的代码,它报告错误说我的模块不存在。



Sub tester()

    Debug.Print Is_Module_Loaded(ThisWorkbook, "Module4")
    Debug.Print Is_Module_Loaded(ActiveWorkbook, "Module4")

End sub

Public Function Is_Module_Loaded(wb as Workbook, name As String) As Boolean

    Dim Module As Object

    On Error Resume Next
    Set Module = wb.VBProject.VBComponents(name).CodeModule
    On Error GoTo 0

    Is_Module_Loaded = Not Module Is Nothing

    If Not Is_Module_Loaded Then
        MsgBox ("MODULE: " & name & " is not installed in '" & _
                wb.Name & "' please add")
    End If

End Function


致谢:Tim Williams、Mathieu Guindon 和 Joe Phi(参见 link)解决方案的指导

参考: ()

注意到的问题:原来的 Tim 提到不设置工作簿可能会让我引用正确的工作簿,这是主要问题,因为我打开了其他工作簿,它是尝试参考。

    Option Explicit

Public Function Is_Module_Loaded(name As String, Optional wb As Workbook) As Boolean 
'!!!need to reference: microsoft visual basic for applications extensibility 5.3
        Dim j As Long
        Dim vbcomp As VBComponent
        Dim modules As Collection
            Set modules = New Collection
        Is_Module_Loaded = False

    'check if value is set

        If wb Is Nothing Then
            Set wb = ThisWorkbook
        End If
        If (name = "") Then
            GoTo errorname
        End If

    'collect names of files
        For Each vbcomp In ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents

            If ((vbcomp.Type = vbext_ct_StdModule) Or (vbcomp.Type = vbext_ct_ClassModule)) Then
                modules.Add vbcomp.name
            End If

        Next vbcomp

    'Compair the file your looking for to the collection
        For j = 1 To modules.Count
            If (name = modules.Item(j)) Then
                Is_Module_Loaded = True
            End If
        Next j
        j = 0

    'if Is_module_loaded not true
        If (Is_Module_Loaded = False) Then
            GoTo notfound
        End If

    'if error
        If (0 <> 0) Then
            MsgBox ("Function BootStrap.Is_Module_Loaded Was not passed a Name of Module")
        End If
        If (0 <> 0) Then
            MsgBox ("MODULE: " & name & " is not installed please add")
        End If

End Function