尝试将 属性 添加到 object inside observable

Trying to add a property to an object inside observable

根据标题,情况非常简单,尝试将参加类型 属性 添加到活动 object,如果此人正在参加(这样我就可以在视图中更改状态)。

其他注意事项,我正在使用 Angularfire 2,数据 returned 是一个可观察的 Event[] 数组。当我将 return 更改为 return (console.log({ ...event, attendingType: currentUser.type } as eventWithAttendance)); 时,它会打印额外的 属性 fine.


export interface Event {
  schoolId: string;
  eventId: string;
  name: string;
  date: Date;
  timeStart: number;
  timeEnd: number;
  volunteersRequired: boolean;
  attendance?: Array<EventUser>;
  imageUrl: string;
  contactName: string;
  contactPhone: number;
  contactEmail: string;
  description: string;

export interface EventUser {
  id: string;
  email: string;
  name: string;

export enum ATTENDANCE {
  attending = 'attending',
  notAttending = 'notAttending',
  volunteering = 'volunteering'

这里是 ts 文件的代码

interface eventWithAttendance extends Event {
  attendingType: ATTENDANCE;

ionViewDidLoad() {
    this.activeSchool = this.data.activeSchool;

    //this.events = this.data.getEvents(this.activeSchool.schoolId).pipe();

    this.auth.user.subscribe((user) => {
      this.user = user;

    this.events = this.data.getEvents(this.activeSchool.schoolId)
        map((events) => {
            events.map( (event) => {
              let currentUser = event.attendance.find(user => user.id === this.user.uid);
              if(currentUser) {
                return ({ ...event, attendingType: currentUser.type } as eventWithAttendance);
              } else {
                return event;

          return events as eventWithAttendance[];

    // Not a long term solution
    this.currentDate = new Date().getTime(); // so we don't display old events

问题是数组上的 .map 不会更改原始数组,但它return是一个新数组。


events.map( (event) => {


const updatedEvents = events.map( (event) => {


return updatedEvents as eventWithAttendance[];