FileNet:FileNet 文件夹中的文档总数

FileNet: Count of total documents in a FileNet Folder

我正在处理一个 FileNet 项目,我需要在该项目中显示名为 Others 的文件夹中的文档数。我可以通过 CE API 轻松完成,但我需要知道此信息存储在 FileNet DB 中的何处。

我可以从名为 DocVersion 的 table 获取文档计数,文件夹信息存储在 Container table。我需要的是这样的查询:




SELECT count (*) as Row_Count

FROM Container c, DocVersion d

WHERE c.object_id = d.object_class_id

AND = 'Others'


你是对的。文档放在 DocVersion 中,文件夹放在 Container table 中。但是 link 文档和文件夹之间的关系 table.

如果你使用 FileNet API 你可以尝试使用下一个 FN 查询

Select d.Id from Document d
where d.This INFOLDER '/bla/bla/bla'

INSUBFOLDER 运算符。在下一步中,您将需要计算结果集。


select count(r.Object_Id) from DocVersion d, Container c, Relationship r
where r.Head_Id = c.Object_Id
and d.Object_Id = r.Tail_Id --// you can exclude this if in the Folder filed only documents and not custom objects.
and c.Object_Id = {folder-id} --// or use c.Name = 'Other' - you can't use PathName field in DB query.


db2 "select count(*) from OSDBUSER.Relationship r, OSDBUSER.Container c, OSDBUSER.DOCVERSION d where r.Tail_Id = c.Object_Id and r.Head_Id = d.Object_Id and = 'Error'"

在此查询中,'Error' 是用于统计文档的文件夹的名称....

感谢您的咨询,我已经试过了。您的查询中存在一个问题。您在错误的方向上使用了 head_id 和 tail_id。正确的查询应该如下所示。

select count(r.Object_Id) 
from DocVersion d, Container c, Relationship r 
where r.Tail_Id = c.Object_Id and d.Object_Id = r.Head_Id --// you can exclude this if in the Folder filed only documents and not custom objects. 
and c.Object_Id = {folder-id} --// or use c.Name = 'Other' - you can't use PathName field in DB query.

这里有一些直接数据库查询(不是ACCE/FEM SQL)查找未归档文档的更多示例,但可以更改为查找特定文件夹中归档的对象。 (将 where rel.Head_id IS NULL 更改为您的文件夹)

已在 MS SQL 上测试并 运行。

--Count by Doc Class
SELECT Doc.object_class_id, count(distinct Doc.version_series_id) as '# Docs' , ClassDef.symbolic_name as ClassName
FROM DocVersion doc
LEFT JOIN Relationship rel ON doc.object_id = rel.Head_id
INNER JOIN ClassDefinition ClassDef ON doc.object_class_id = ClassDef.[object_id]
where rel.Head_id IS NULL and doc.is_current=1
group by Doc.object_class_id, ClassDef.symbolic_name
order by '# Docs' desc

--by creator
SELECT Doc.creator, count(distinct Doc.version_series_id) as '# Docs'
FROM DocVersion doc
LEFT JOIN Relationship rel ON doc.object_id = rel.Head_id
where rel.Head_id IS NULL and doc.is_current=1
group by Doc.creator 
order by '# Docs' desc

--list Of Docs
SELECT Doc.creator, doc.create_date, doc.u32_documenttitle , doc.modify_date ,doc.modify_user , ClassDef.symbolic_name as ClassName
FROM DocVersion doc
LEFT JOIN Relationship rel ON doc.object_id = rel.Head_id
INNER JOIN ClassDefinition ClassDef ON doc.object_class_id = ClassDef.[object_id]
where rel.Head_id IS NULL and doc.is_current=1
order by Doc.create_date


    public void countobjectsinAllOS() {
    Connection conn = Factory.Connection.getConnection(ConfigInfo.CE_URI);
    Domain domain = Factory.Domain.fetchInstance(conn, null, null);

    Iterator<ObjectStoreSet> it = domain.get_ObjectStores().iterator();

    int countofos = 0;
    while (it.hasNext()) {

        ObjectStore os = (ObjectStore);
        String osname = os.get_DisplayName();

        System.out.println("Working on Object Store " +osname);
    //System.out.println("Number of Object Stores found in doamin >>\t" + domain.get_Name() + "\t<< is " + countofos);

public void countObjectsInAnOS(String OSName) {
    Connection conn = Factory.Connection.getConnection(ConfigInfo.CE_URI);
    Domain domain = Factory.Domain.fetchInstance(conn, null, null);
    ObjectStore os = Factory.ObjectStore.fetchInstance(domain, OSName, null);
    // Create a SearchSQL instance and specify the SQL statement (using the 
    // helper methods).
    SearchSQL sqlObject = new SearchSQL();
    sqlObject.setWhereClause("f.This INSUBFOLDER '/'");
    sqlObject.setFromClauseInitialValue("Folder", "f", false);
    // Uncomment below lines for Documents    
    //    sqlObject.setSelectList("d.DocumentTitle, d.Id");
    //    sqlObject.setMaxRecords(20);
    //    sqlObject.setFromClauseInitialValue("Document", "d", false);  
    // Check the SQL statement.          

    //Uncomment to see the SQL

    //System.out.println("SQL: " + sqlObject.toString());

    // Create a SearchScope instance. (Assumes you have the object store 
    // object.)
    Boolean continuable = new Boolean(true);

    // Set the page size (Long) to use for a page of query result data. This value is passed 
    // in the pageSize parameter. If null, this defaults to the value of 
    // ServerCacheConfiguration.QueryPageDefaultSize.
    Integer myPageSize = new Integer(10);

    // Specify a property filter to use for the filter parameter, if needed. 
    // This can be null if you are not filtering properties.
    //        PropertyFilter myFilter = new PropertyFilter();
    //        int myFilterLevel = 1;
    //        myFilter.setMaxRecursion(myFilterLevel);
    //        myFilter.addIncludeType(new FilterElement(null, null, null, FilteredPropertyType.ANY, null));

    // Set the (Boolean) value for the continuable parameter. This indicates 
    // whether to iterate requests for subsequent pages of result data when the end of the 
    // first page of results is reached. If null or false, only a single page of results is 
    // returned.
    // Execute the fetchObjects method using the specified parameters.
    //IndependentObjectSet myObjects = search.fetchObjects(sqlObject, myPageSize, myFilter, continuable);
    SearchScope searchScope = new SearchScope(os);
    RepositoryRowSet rowSet = searchScope.fetchRows(sqlObject, myPageSize, null, continuable);
    long count = 0;
    Iterator<RepositoryRow> it = rowSet.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {;
    //System.out.println("Total number of Documents >>\t\t" + count + "\n\n");
    System.out.println("Total number of Folders >>\t\t" + count + "\n\n");
