ASN.1 数据对象中变量前面的方括号内的内容是什么意思?

what is meant by the things inside the square bracket infront of a variable in ASN.1 data object?

euiccSignature1 [APPLICATION 55] OCTET STRING, --EUICC_Sign1, tag 5F37

以上是我在 ASN.1 数据对象中的内容。我要对它进行 DER 编码。有人可以告诉我我与那个 "tag 5F37" 有什么关系以及那个方括号内是什么吗?

先查看BER标签编码规则,然后DER只是其中的一个子集,例如here. Work the bits together and you will get 0x5F37. The square brackets are the encoding format for an Application, the its an application specific Octet String and has a certain meaning according to the application it is used in. For more infos on the notation look here