如何从 ofono 获得 属性

How to get property from ofono

我用 C++ 编写了一个程序来获取 ofono 的属性 API:

string Protocol [readwrite]

            Holds the protocol for this context.  Valid values
            are: "ip", "ipv6" and "dual".

        string Name [readwrite]

            The name is a free form string that describes this
            context.  The name should not be empty and limited
            to a short string for display purposes.

        dict Settings [readonly, optional]

            Holds all the IP network settings

            string Interface [readonly, optional]

                Holds the interface of the network interface
                used by this context (e.g. "ppp0" "usb0")

            string Method [readonly, optional]

                Holds the IP network config method
                    "static"- Set IP network statically
                    "dhcp"  - Set IP network through DHCP

            string Address [readonly, optional]


for (auto p:prop){
p.first //to get name of property
p.second.reader().get_string() //to get string value of property
p.second.reader().get_bool() //to get boolean value of property

我的问题是如何获取 dict 类型的名称和值?例如 dict Settings [readonly, optional] 如何获得 string Interface [readonly, optional]string Method [readonly, optional]


p 是我问题中定义的 prop 元素

    DBus::MessageIter iterator = p.second.reader();
    std::map< std::string, ::DBus::Variant > mapping;
    iterator >> mapping;
    for (auto map:mapping) {
            map.first// contain the name 
            map.second.reader().get_string() // contain the string value