使用 Lex 构建失败

Build failed with Lex

构建 Lex 时出现以下错误:

The number of intents and slots exceeds the permissible value for bot "test_dev". A bot can have a maximum of 310 intents and slots. This bot has 63 intents and 253slots.

但是,正如我在 AWS 官方文档中看到的那样,每个账户有 1000 个意图和每个账户 100 个槽的限制。


我已经向 AWS 添加了一张票,并从他们那里得到了以下回复:

Usually, an error of this type occurs when the sum of the number of slots and intents for a Lex bot has exceeded the value of 310. Looking at the observed error, I see that you have 253 slots and 63 intents, when these numbers are combined they sum up to 316 and they exceed the maximum limit of 310. Therefore, the limit of 310 is breached and hence the error is observed.

To address your question regarding limits for Lex bots, yes, there are limits that are applicable to bots only as discussed in {1}. I understand your concern about the limit of 1000 intents per account, however, this limit applies at account level and not on a Lex bot level. With that said, I am happy to assist you with submitting a limit request for an increase on the number of intents and slots for your bot. For the request to be fulfilled, I would appreciate if you could provide me with the following information:

  1. A use case stating the reasons for the limit request.
  2. Please confirm the number of slots and number of intents you wish these values to be increased to.
  3. Please confirm that limit increase for the Lex bot ‘test’ in the eu-west-1 region.'