有没有办法从 XmlReader 读取原始内容?

Is there a way to read raw content from XmlReader?

我有一个非常大的 XML 文件,所以我在 C# 中使用 XmlReader。问题是某些内容包含不应由 XmlReader 处理的类似 XML 的标记。

<Narf name="DOH">Mark's test of <newline> like stuff</Narf>


我试过 ReadInnerXml 但得到了整个节点。 我试过 ReadElementContentAsString 但得到一个异常说 'newline' 没有关闭。

// Does not deal with markup in the content (Both lines)
ms.mText = reader.ReadElementContentAsString(); 
XElement el = XNode.ReadFrom(reader) as XElement; ms.mText = el.ToString();

我想要的是 ms.mText 等于 "Mark's test of <newline> like stuff" 而不是例外。

System.Xml.XmlException was unhandled
  Message=The 'newline' start tag on line 56 position 42 does not match the end tag of 'Narf'. Line 56, position 63.



   public class TextWedge : TextReader
      private StreamReader mSr = null;
      private string mBuffer = "";

      public TextWedge(string filename)
         mSr = File.OpenText(filename);
         // buffer 50
         for (int i =0; i<50; i++)
            mBuffer += (char) (mSr.Read());
      public override int Peek() 
         return mSr.Peek() + mBuffer.Length;

      public override int Read()
         int iRet = -1;
         if (mBuffer.Length > 0)
            iRet = mBuffer[0];
            int ic = mSr.Read();
            char c = (char)ic;
            mBuffer = mBuffer.Remove(0, 1);
            if (ic != -1)
               mBuffer += c;
               // Run through the battery of non-xml tags
               mBuffer = mBuffer.Replace("<newline>", "[br]");
         return iRet;