proxyquire 不存根静态方法 - nodejs
proxyquire not stubbing static methods - nodejs
我有两个 类 ValidationHelper,BeneficiaryHelper 和一个静态方法,每个我都试图使用 proxyquire 来模拟但是在 运行 npm test 上它给我错误:
TypeError: 无法读取未定义的 属性 'checkMandatory'
import { ValidationHelper } from '../validations/common';
import { BeneficiaryHelper } from '../validations/beneficiary';
const lib = nbind.init<typeof LibTypes>(__dirname + '/../../').lib;
class beneficiaryaddv2 {
utilities: any = {};
constructor() {
this.utilities = new lib.Utilities();
parse(req: any, res: any, message: { [k: string]: any }) {
//..more code
ValidationHelper.checkMandatory(req.body.beneficiaryType, 'beneficiaryType');
ValidationHelper.checkMandatory(req.body.customerId, 'customerId');
message.RESERVED1 =;
//..more code
export { beneficiaryaddv2 }
class BeneficiaryHelper {
static checkBeneficiaryType(beneficiaryType: string) { return; }
class ValidationHelper {
static checkMandatory(stringValue: string, parameterName: string, errorMessage: string = '') { return; }
describe('unit test for beneficiary add parse', () => {
let utilBase;
let utilGenerateRRNMock;
let utilGenerateSTANMock;
let target = common.proxyquire('../../APIServer/controller/beneficiaryaddv2', {
'nbind': common.nbindStub,
'../../local_modules/logger': common.LoggerMock,
'../validations/common': ValidationHelper,
'../../local_modules/dbconnmgr': common.DbConnMgrMock,
'../validations/beneficiary': BeneficiaryHelper,
'@noCalThrough': true
希望这有效 (y)!!!
let ValidationHelperMock = {
ValidationHelper: class{
static checkMandatory(stringValue, parameterName, errorMessage){ };
let BeneficiaryHelperMock = {
BeneficiaryHelper: class{
static checkBeneficiaryType(beneficiaryType){ };
describe('unit test for beneficiary add parse', () => {
let utilBase;
let utilGenerateRRNMock;
let utilGenerateSTANMock;
let target = common.proxyquire('../../APIServer/controller/beneficiaryaddv2', {
'nbind': common.nbindStub,
'../../local_modules/logger': common.LoggerMock,
'../validations/common': ValidationHelperMock, //check these paths to exact from the test file
'../../local_modules/dbconnmgr': common.DbConnMgrMock,
'../validations/beneficiary': BeneficiaryHelperMock, //check these paths to exact from the test file
'@noCalThrough': true
我有两个 类 ValidationHelper,BeneficiaryHelper 和一个静态方法,每个我都试图使用 proxyquire 来模拟但是在 运行 npm test 上它给我错误:
TypeError: 无法读取未定义的 属性 'checkMandatory'
import { ValidationHelper } from '../validations/common';
import { BeneficiaryHelper } from '../validations/beneficiary';
const lib = nbind.init<typeof LibTypes>(__dirname + '/../../').lib;
class beneficiaryaddv2 {
utilities: any = {};
constructor() {
this.utilities = new lib.Utilities();
parse(req: any, res: any, message: { [k: string]: any }) {
//..more code
ValidationHelper.checkMandatory(req.body.beneficiaryType, 'beneficiaryType');
ValidationHelper.checkMandatory(req.body.customerId, 'customerId');
message.RESERVED1 =;
//..more code
export { beneficiaryaddv2 }
class BeneficiaryHelper {
static checkBeneficiaryType(beneficiaryType: string) { return; }
class ValidationHelper {
static checkMandatory(stringValue: string, parameterName: string, errorMessage: string = '') { return; }
describe('unit test for beneficiary add parse', () => {
let utilBase;
let utilGenerateRRNMock;
let utilGenerateSTANMock;
let target = common.proxyquire('../../APIServer/controller/beneficiaryaddv2', {
'nbind': common.nbindStub,
'../../local_modules/logger': common.LoggerMock,
'../validations/common': ValidationHelper,
'../../local_modules/dbconnmgr': common.DbConnMgrMock,
'../validations/beneficiary': BeneficiaryHelper,
'@noCalThrough': true
希望这有效 (y)!!!
let ValidationHelperMock = {
ValidationHelper: class{
static checkMandatory(stringValue, parameterName, errorMessage){ };
let BeneficiaryHelperMock = {
BeneficiaryHelper: class{
static checkBeneficiaryType(beneficiaryType){ };
describe('unit test for beneficiary add parse', () => {
let utilBase;
let utilGenerateRRNMock;
let utilGenerateSTANMock;
let target = common.proxyquire('../../APIServer/controller/beneficiaryaddv2', {
'nbind': common.nbindStub,
'../../local_modules/logger': common.LoggerMock,
'../validations/common': ValidationHelperMock, //check these paths to exact from the test file
'../../local_modules/dbconnmgr': common.DbConnMgrMock,
'../validations/beneficiary': BeneficiaryHelperMock, //check these paths to exact from the test file
'@noCalThrough': true