PaypalExpressGateway.setup_authorization 的匹配金额问题

Problem matching amounts with PaypalExpressGateway.setup_authorization

我正在使用 ruby 客户端和 activemerchant 创建对 Paypal 沙箱 API 的调用。脚本是从命令行调用的,因此变量由命令行参数填充。这是代码示例:

login = ARGV[0]
password = ARGV[1]
signature = ARGV[2]
ip = ARGV[3]
subtotal = ARGV[4]
shipping = ARGV[5]
handling = ARGV[6]
tax = ARGV[7]
currency = ARGV[8]
return_url = ARGV[9]
cancel_return_url = ARGV[10]
allow_guest_checkout = ARGV[11]
items = JSON.parse(ARGV[12])

ActiveMerchant::Billing::Base.mode = :test
paypal_options = {
    login: login,
    password: password,
    signature: signature

gateway =

setup_hash = {
    ip: ip, 
    items: items, 
    subtotal: Integer(subtotal),
    shipping: Integer(shipping),
    handling: Integer(handling), 
    tax: Integer(tax), 
    currency: currency, 
    return_url: return_url, 
    cancel_return_url: cancel_return_url, 
    allow_guest_checkout: allow_guest_checkout

amount = subtotal.to_i + shipping.to_i + handling.to_i + tax.to_i
puts "amount: " + amount.to_s
puts "items: " + items.to_s
response = gateway.setup_authorization(amount, setup_hash)
if !(response.success?)
    puts response.message.to_s


amount: 10000
items: [{"name"=>"sample", "description"=>"desc", "quantity"=>1, "amount"=>10000}]
The totals of the cart item amounts do not match order amounts.

那么,为什么 10000 的数量与 10000 的数量不匹配?

经过漫长而无聊的调试,我发现了以下内容: 内部散列 items 应该是 [:{name=>"sample", :description=>"desc", :quantity=>1, :amount=>10000}] 而不是上面示例中的 [{"name"=>"sample", "description"=>"desc", "quantity"=>1, "amount"=>10000}]

因此,我已将 JSON 解析器更改为 nice_hash 并且使用 items = ARGV[12].json 它就像一个魅力。