如何使用 NuGet Bing 调用 Maps REST 服务 Bing.RestClient
How to call Bing Maps REST service using NuGet Bing.RestClient
我想在 Visual Studio 2017 年使用名为 Bing.RestClient v0.8 beta 1 的 NuGet,但我不知道如何在 Windows 表单中使用它来获取位置 ( Latitude/Longitude).
我还不熟悉 REST 服务。
我已经尝试使用 Web 客户端,我可以获得可以解析的文本响应,但我想使用 NuGet Bing.RestClient
中可用的 类
public partial class Form1 : Form
String BingKey = "*******************************";
public Form1()
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private async void GetFind()
// Take advantage of built-in Point of Interest groups
var list = PoiEntityGroups.Government();
// Build your filter list from the group.
var filter = PoiEntityGroups.BuildFilter(list);
var client = new Bing.SpatialDataClient(BingKey);
// This does NOT use the Nuget but just a WebClient and I get the response in TEXT format. But this is not what I want.
String AddressQuery = "Via Ravenna 10, Milano";
String BaseQueryURL;
BaseQueryURL = String.Format("http://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/v1/Locations?query={0}?maxResults=1&key={1}", AddressQuery, BingKey);
// Create web client simulating IE6.
using (System.Net.WebClient wclient = new WebClient())
wclient.Headers["User-Agent"] = "Mozilla/4.0 (Compatible; Windows NT 5.1; MSIE 6.0)";
byte[] arr = wclient.DownloadData(BaseQueryURL);
txtResult.Text = "Bytes: " + arr.Length + Environment.NewLine;
txtResult.Text = txtResult.Text + wclient.DownloadString(BaseQueryURL);
我希望通过使用 NuGet 类 获得反序列化的结果,但我不知道如何使用它们来获取我的纬度和经度,按地址查询。
我建议您查看 GitHub 页面上为 BingMapsRESTToolkit NuGet 包提供的示例。 (https://github.com/Microsoft/BingMapsRESTToolkit/blob/master/Docs/Getting%20Started.md#HowToMakeARequest)
这是我在 Visual Studio 中作为控制台应用程序工作的 GitHub 的基本示例:
static async Task Main()
var bingKey = "**********************";
var request = new GeocodeRequest()
Query = "Via Ravenna 10, Milano",
IncludeIso2 = true,
IncludeNeighborhood = true,
MaxResults = 25,
BingMapsKey = bingKey
//Process the request by using the ServiceManager.
var response = await request.Execute();
if (response != null &&
response.ResourceSets != null &&
response.ResourceSets.Length > 0 &&
response.ResourceSets[0].Resources != null &&
response.ResourceSets[0].Resources.Length > 0)
var result = response.ResourceSets[0].Resources[0] as Location;
var coords = result.Point.Coordinates;
if (coords != null && coords.Length == 2)
var lat = coords[0];
var lng = coords[1];
Console.WriteLine($"Geocode Results - Lat: {lat} / Long: {lng}");
由此,您现在有一对 lat/long 作为 Double 类型。在您认为合适的 Windows 表格中使用它们。
感谢 Bryan 提供的宝贵示例。
最后我以这种方式让它工作得很好,在 Windows 形式中:
public partial class Form1 : Form
String BingKey = "*******************************";
public Form1()
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private async void GetFind()
var request = new GeocodeRequest()
Query = "Via trento 1, Sondrio",
IncludeIso2 = true,
IncludeNeighborhood = true,
MaxResults = 25,
BingMapsKey = BingKey
//Process the request by using the ServiceManager.
var response = await request.Execute();
if (response != null &&
response.ResourceSets != null &&
response.ResourceSets.Length > 0 &&
response.ResourceSets[0].Resources != null &&
response.ResourceSets[0].Resources.Length > 0)
var result = response.ResourceSets[0].Resources[0] as Location;
var myAddr = result.Address.AddressLine;
var CAP = result.Address.PostalCode;
var City = result.Address.Locality;
var Province = result.Address.AdminDistrict2;
var Region = result.Address.AdminDistrict;
var Stato = result.Address.CountryRegion;
var coords = result.Point.Coordinates;
if (coords != null && coords.Length == 2)
var lat = coords[0];
var lng = coords[1];
string Latitude = String.Format("{0:00.000000}", lat);
string Longitude = String.Format("{0:000.000000}", lng);
txtResult.Text = "Indirizzo: " + myAddr +
Environment.NewLine + "CAP: " + CAP +
Environment.NewLine + "Città: " + City +
Environment.NewLine + "Provincia: " + Province +
Environment.NewLine + "Regione: " + Region +
Environment.NewLine + "Stato: " + Stato +
Environment.NewLine + $"Coordinate - Lat: {Latitude} / Long: {Longitude}"
我想在 Visual Studio 2017 年使用名为 Bing.RestClient v0.8 beta 1 的 NuGet,但我不知道如何在 Windows 表单中使用它来获取位置 ( Latitude/Longitude).
我还不熟悉 REST 服务。
我已经尝试使用 Web 客户端,我可以获得可以解析的文本响应,但我想使用 NuGet Bing.RestClient
public partial class Form1 : Form
String BingKey = "*******************************";
public Form1()
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private async void GetFind()
// Take advantage of built-in Point of Interest groups
var list = PoiEntityGroups.Government();
// Build your filter list from the group.
var filter = PoiEntityGroups.BuildFilter(list);
var client = new Bing.SpatialDataClient(BingKey);
// This does NOT use the Nuget but just a WebClient and I get the response in TEXT format. But this is not what I want.
String AddressQuery = "Via Ravenna 10, Milano";
String BaseQueryURL;
BaseQueryURL = String.Format("http://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/v1/Locations?query={0}?maxResults=1&key={1}", AddressQuery, BingKey);
// Create web client simulating IE6.
using (System.Net.WebClient wclient = new WebClient())
wclient.Headers["User-Agent"] = "Mozilla/4.0 (Compatible; Windows NT 5.1; MSIE 6.0)";
byte[] arr = wclient.DownloadData(BaseQueryURL);
txtResult.Text = "Bytes: " + arr.Length + Environment.NewLine;
txtResult.Text = txtResult.Text + wclient.DownloadString(BaseQueryURL);
我希望通过使用 NuGet 类 获得反序列化的结果,但我不知道如何使用它们来获取我的纬度和经度,按地址查询。
我建议您查看 GitHub 页面上为 BingMapsRESTToolkit NuGet 包提供的示例。 (https://github.com/Microsoft/BingMapsRESTToolkit/blob/master/Docs/Getting%20Started.md#HowToMakeARequest)
这是我在 Visual Studio 中作为控制台应用程序工作的 GitHub 的基本示例:
static async Task Main()
var bingKey = "**********************";
var request = new GeocodeRequest()
Query = "Via Ravenna 10, Milano",
IncludeIso2 = true,
IncludeNeighborhood = true,
MaxResults = 25,
BingMapsKey = bingKey
//Process the request by using the ServiceManager.
var response = await request.Execute();
if (response != null &&
response.ResourceSets != null &&
response.ResourceSets.Length > 0 &&
response.ResourceSets[0].Resources != null &&
response.ResourceSets[0].Resources.Length > 0)
var result = response.ResourceSets[0].Resources[0] as Location;
var coords = result.Point.Coordinates;
if (coords != null && coords.Length == 2)
var lat = coords[0];
var lng = coords[1];
Console.WriteLine($"Geocode Results - Lat: {lat} / Long: {lng}");
由此,您现在有一对 lat/long 作为 Double 类型。在您认为合适的 Windows 表格中使用它们。
感谢 Bryan 提供的宝贵示例。 最后我以这种方式让它工作得很好,在 Windows 形式中:
public partial class Form1 : Form
String BingKey = "*******************************";
public Form1()
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private async void GetFind()
var request = new GeocodeRequest()
Query = "Via trento 1, Sondrio",
IncludeIso2 = true,
IncludeNeighborhood = true,
MaxResults = 25,
BingMapsKey = BingKey
//Process the request by using the ServiceManager.
var response = await request.Execute();
if (response != null &&
response.ResourceSets != null &&
response.ResourceSets.Length > 0 &&
response.ResourceSets[0].Resources != null &&
response.ResourceSets[0].Resources.Length > 0)
var result = response.ResourceSets[0].Resources[0] as Location;
var myAddr = result.Address.AddressLine;
var CAP = result.Address.PostalCode;
var City = result.Address.Locality;
var Province = result.Address.AdminDistrict2;
var Region = result.Address.AdminDistrict;
var Stato = result.Address.CountryRegion;
var coords = result.Point.Coordinates;
if (coords != null && coords.Length == 2)
var lat = coords[0];
var lng = coords[1];
string Latitude = String.Format("{0:00.000000}", lat);
string Longitude = String.Format("{0:000.000000}", lng);
txtResult.Text = "Indirizzo: " + myAddr +
Environment.NewLine + "CAP: " + CAP +
Environment.NewLine + "Città: " + City +
Environment.NewLine + "Provincia: " + Province +
Environment.NewLine + "Regione: " + Region +
Environment.NewLine + "Stato: " + Stato +
Environment.NewLine + $"Coordinate - Lat: {Latitude} / Long: {Longitude}"