需要帮助使用虚拟机配置重新映像 Azure 批处理池中的现有 Azure 节点

Need help reimaging an existing Azure Node in a Azure Batch Pool with Virtual Machine Configuration

有没有人对如何在我的 Azure Batch Pool 帐户中重新映像 Linux 个节点有建议,而无需将大小调整为 0 然后返回 N,或者删除池并重新创建它?



我在重新映像 azure 节点时遇到问题。当我更新 docker 图像并使用 ARM 模板重新部署时,节点未拉取最新的 docker 图像。我想这可能是因为图片名称相同(我一直想要最新的图片)


Reset-AzureBatchComputeNode 但这在 fiddler "Operation reimage can be invoked only on pools created with cloudServiceConfiguration" 上给了我以下错误。我不能使用云服务配置,因为机器需要是 Linux 机器。


我可能只需要核对节点(将大小调整为 0,然后根据需要再次旋转),或者简单地删除池然后重新设置。但是这些看起来像 "nuclear" 选项,并且批处理服务将关闭,直到节点再次启动。

我用于 deploy/update 批处理池

的 arm 模板
      "name": "[concat(parameters('batchAccountName'), '/<pool-name>')]",
      "type": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/pools",
      "apiVersion": "2018-12-01",
      "properties": {
        "vmSize": "[parameters('vmSize')]",
        "deploymentConfiguration": {
          "virtualMachineConfiguration": {
            "nodeAgentSkuId": "batch.node.ubuntu 16.04",
            "imageReference": {
              "publisher": "microsoft-azure-batch",
              "offer": "ubuntu-server-container",
              "sku": "16-04-lts",
              "version": "latest"
            "containerConfiguration": {
              "type": "DockerCompatible",
              "containerImageNames": [
                "[concat(parameters('containerRegistryServer'), '/<container-name>')]"
              "containerRegistries": [
        "scaleSettings": {
          "fixedScale": {
            "targetDedicatedNodes": "[parameters('targetDedicatedNodes')]"
      "dependsOn": [
        "[resourceId('Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts', parameters('batchAccountName'))]"



感谢@fpark,根据你的建议,我想出了以下 powershell 脚本以防其他人

Write-Output "Building docker image"
$imageHashBeforeBuild = docker images $DockerImageName --format "{{.ID}}" --no-trunc
docker build -t $DockerImageName $pathToEnergyModel
if (!$?) {
    throw "Docker image $DockerImageName failed to build"
$imageHashAfterBuild = docker images $DockerImageName --format "{{.ID}}" --no-trunc


$batchContext = Get-AzureRmBatchAccount -Name $batchAccountName


# The nodes should only be reimaged if the model has an update and this is NOT a new deployment
$ShouldReimageNodes = $IsUpdate -and $imageHashBeforeBuild -and ($imageHashBeforeBuild -ne $imageHashAfterBuild)
# The batchAccountDeployment step will create/update batch accounts/pools, 
# However, the deployment does not update the VM image to the latest present in the docker container registry
# This is likely due to the ARM template having the same settings, so it doesn't know to try pull the image down again
# As a work around:
#   1) Grab all current nodes
#   2) For each node:
#       a) Bring it down (this has a side effect of reducing TargetDedicatedComputeNodes by 1)
#       b) Resize the number of TargetDedicatedComputeNodes to correct value (i.e. spin up a node to replace the one downed in 2a)
# When the VM's come back up, they indeed pull the latest docker image
if ($ShouldReimageNodes) {
    # Wait for nodes to stabilize
    Write-Host "Difference in docker images detected. Restarting each node one at a time to ensure latest docker image is being used."
    while ((Get-AzureBatchPool -BatchContext $batchContext -Id $PoolName).AllocationState -ne "Steady") {
        Write-Host "Waiting for nodes in $PoolName to stabilize. Checking status again in $SleepTime seconds."
        Start-Sleep -Seconds $SleepTime
    $nodes = Get-AzureBatchComputeNode -PoolId $PoolName -BatchContext $batchContext
    $currentNodeCount = $nodes.Length
    foreach ($node in $nodes) {
        $nodeId = $node.Id
        Write-Host "Removing node $nodeId"
        Remove-AzureBatchComputeNode -ComputeNode $node -BatchContext $batchContext -Force
        while ((Get-AzureBatchPool -BatchContext $batchContext -Id $PoolName).AllocationState -ne "Steady") {
            Write-Host "Waiting for nodes in $PoolName to stabilize. Checking status again in $SleepTime seconds."
            Start-Sleep -Seconds $SleepTime
        Write-Host "Resizing back to $currentNodeCount"
        Start-AzureBatchPoolResize -Id $PoolName -BatchContext $batchContext -TargetDedicatedComputeNodes $currentNodeCount
        while ((Get-AzureBatchPool -BatchContext $batchContext -Id $PoolName).AllocationState -ne "Steady") {
            Write-Host "Waiting for nodes in $PoolName to stabilize. Checking status again in $SleepTime seconds."
            Start-Sleep -Seconds $SleepTime

目前,不支持对基于虚拟机配置的池进行重新映像操作。请参阅 this uservoice idea

您可以通过调用 Remove-AzureBatchComputeNode cmdlet 模拟重新映像一组节点,然后将大小调整回您想要的大小。