闪亮:如何将 renderUI 生成的 "reactive input" 作为函数的输入?

Shiny: How to take a "reactive input" generated from renderUI as input in a function?


我正在为一些工作制作一个闪亮的应用程序(仪表板)。我有一个名称数据框(从可以扩展的外部 Excel 文件生成,因此需要反应性),它应该为每个名称生成一个 collapsePanel(来自 bsCollapse)上述名单中的名字。这已经在服务器中使用 renderUI 实现并工作;但是,现在我想真正能够更改 collapsePanel 中包含的内容的输入:我在面板中有几个输入,但最重要的,我将在本示例中显示的是一个复选框组。当我想在函数中使用复选框组的输入时(例如保存新信息),我的问题就出现了。


if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")

pacman::p_load(tidyverse, shiny, shinythemes, sweetalertR, shinyWidgets, 
shinycssloaders, shinyBS, shinyjs, shinydashboard, rlist, readxl)

list_of_names <- tibble("Name" = c("Name1", "Name2", "Name3"), 
    "0 pt" = c("Criteria 0 name1", "Criteria 0 name2", "Criteria 0 name3"), 
    "1 pt" = c("Criteria 1 name1", "Criteria 1 name2", "Criteria 1 name3"), 
    "2 pt" = c("Criteria 2 name1", "Criteria 2 name2", "Criteria 2 name3"))

t <- c()
for (i in list_of_names$Name) {
    t <- c(t, paste0("input$", i, "_id"))

mycollapse <- lapply(1:nrow(list_of_names), function(i) {
    awesomeCheckboxGroup(inputId = paste0(list_of_names$Name[i], "_id"),label = NULL,
    choices = as.character(list_of_names[i,2:4]),
    status = "success", width = "75%"))
mycollapse[["id"]] <- "collapseID"
mycollapse[["multiple"]] <- FALSE
mycollapse[["open"]] <- "Name1"

#### UI ----------

ui <- dashboardPage(
  dashboardHeader(title = "Minimal Example"),
      menuItem("Dashboard", tabName = "Dashboard", icon = icon("dashboard"), 
               selected = TRUE))),   
          column(6, shinyjs::useShinyjs(), withSpinner(uiOutput("Data"))))))

server <- function(input, output, session) {
    output$Data <- renderUI({
            do.call(bsCollapse, args = mycollapse) %>% return(),
            actionButton("Save", "Save"))

    observeEvent(input$Save, {
        confirmSweetAlert(session, inputId = "Save_SWAL", title = 
        "Save?", text = "Are you sure?",
        type = "warning", danger_mode = TRUE, btn_labels = c("Cancel", "Yes, save please"))

    observeEvent(input$Save_SWAL, {
        if (isTRUE(input$Save_SWAL)) {
            # SOMETHING HERE

shinyApp(ui, server)


我现在的问题是我想在代码中显示 "SOMETHING HERE" 的函数中使用 input$Name1_idinput$Name2_idinput$Name3_id,例如当我单击操作按钮时,将选择的分数转换为最大值和最小值。


observeEvent(input$Save_SWAL, {
    if (isTRUE(input$Save_SWAL)) {
            "Result1" = list("min" = min(input$Name1_id), "max" = max(input$Name1_id)), 
            "Result2" = list("min" = min(input$Name2_id), "max" = max(input$Name2_id)),
            "Result3" = list("min" = min(input$Name3_id), "max" = max(input$Name3_id))
        ) %>% print()

如何使用 for 循环执行此操作并应用?

我试过在字符串上使用 eval()do.call(),例如:"input$Name1_id";然而 none 这些选项似乎可以解决问题。

observeEvent(input$Save_SWAL, {
    if (isTRUE(input$Save_SWAL)) {
        sapply(do.call(t), min) %>% print()

@Morten,我对 sapply 不是很有经验,但我想试一试。 2 小时后,我未能从 sapply 结构中获得任何有用的信息,但我确实为您提供了 2 个替代解决方案。下面的代码在评论中有一些解释

我 运行 使用 sapply 遇到的问题是我得到 list()inputs 的名字而不是他们的 values。 通常我会使用 eval(parse(text = 'name of input here')) 来处理以字符串而不是代码形式呈现的输入名称,但是对于在 apply 函数中使用它的这种情况,我似乎无法理解为什么它不起作用。

无论如何,下面有一种方法可以对输入名称进行 lapply,或者将结果收集在 reactiveVariable 中,即包含所有 T/F values 的列表每组 checkboxes

list_of_names <- tibble("Name" = c("Name1", "Name2", "Name3"), 
                        "0 pt" = c("Criteria 0 name1", "Criteria 0 name2", "Criteria 0 name3"), 
                        "1 pt" = c("Criteria 1 name1", "Criteria 1 name2", "Criteria 1 name3"), 
                        "2 pt" = c("Criteria 2 name1", "Criteria 2 name2", "Criteria 2 name3"))

vectorx <- c('input$Name1_id', 'input$Name2_id', 'input$Name3_id')

listx <- sapply(sapply(1:3, function(i) { paste0("input$Name", i, "_id")}),function(x) NULL)

mycollapse <- lapply(1:nrow(list_of_names), function(i) {
                  awesomeCheckboxGroup(inputId = paste0(list_of_names$Name[i], "_id"),label = NULL,
                                       choices = as.character(list_of_names[i,2:4]),
                                       status = "success", width = "75%"))
mycollapse[["id"]] <- "collapseID"
mycollapse[["multiple"]] <- FALSE
mycollapse[["open"]] <- "Name1"

#### UI ----------

ui <- dashboardPage(
  dashboardHeader(title = "Minimal Example"),
      menuItem("Dashboard", tabName = "Dashboard", icon = icon("dashboard"), 
               selected = TRUE))),   
      column(6, shinyjs::useShinyjs(), withSpinner(uiOutput("Data"))))))

server <- function(input, output, session) {

  #approach 1 make a reactive list to store the inputs
  values <- reactiveValues(mylist = list())
  output$Data <- renderUI({
      do.call(bsCollapse, args = mycollapse) %>% return(),
      actionButton("Save", "Save"))

  #approach 1 observe changes in the inputs (including deselect of all, which would not work if you use observeEvent as it does not fire if all boxes are FALSE)
 observe({ lapply(1:3, function(i) {
    values$mylist[[paste0('Name', i, '_id', sep = '')]] <- input[[paste0('Name', i, '_id', sep = '')]]

  observeEvent(input$Save, {
    confirmSweetAlert(session, inputId = "Save_SWAL", title = 
                        "Save?", text = "Are you sure?",
                      type = "warning", danger_mode = TRUE, btn_labels = c("Cancel", "Yes, save please"))

  observeEvent(input$Save_SWAL, {
    if (isTRUE(input$Save_SWAL)) {

      #approach 1 simply print the minimums in the reactive list
      print("#approach 1")
      print(sapply(values$mylist, min) )

      ##### I tried for over 1.5 hour, but I could not get an sapply block working on strings called "input$Name1_id" etc 
      ## normally I would use eval(parse(text = 'input$Name1_id')) to read what the input is, but for some reason it will not work with a list of names
      ## This makes a named yet empty list for instance:  
      ## listx <- sapply(sapply(1:3, function(i) { paste0("input$Name", i, "_id")}),function(x) NULL)
      ## with the idea that I could then try to sapply over the names with eval(parse()) construct, but it doesn't return the minimums

      # keeps printing empty 'list()'
      # print(sapply(eval(parse(text = names(listx))), min))

      ##this keeps printing the names of vectorx
      # print(sapply(vectorx, min))

      #approach 2 run an lapply over all the inputs without the need to store them
      print("#approach 2")
      lapply(1:3, function(i) {
        if(!!length(input[[paste0('Name', i, '_id', sep = '')]])) {  ## !!length means it is NOT an empty list, so then we want the min
          min(input[[paste0('Name', i, '_id', sep = '')]]) %>% print()


shinyApp(ui, server)