我的代码有什么问题:"clipping polygon(ellipse points) with line segments(subject) with clipper library in c#"

Anything wrong with my code:"clipping polygon(ellipse points) with line segments(subject) with clipper library in c#"

1.I正在 PictureBox 上绘制椭圆和线条。
2.I在执行 clipper.PolyTreeToPaths(polytree_solution);see the contents
后,路径对象计数为零 3.PolyTree 对象包含此 see the contents.

我知道我的问题与这些链接类似,但我找不到问题的解决方案,可能是我找不到代码中的错误。 link1 link2 link3

//adding subject (lines)
Paths subj=new Paths(1);
subj.Add(new Path());
subj[0].Add(new IntPoint(0,0));
subj[0].Add(new IntPoint(440,280));
subj[0].Add(new IntPoint(440,0));
subj[0].Add(new IntPoint(0,280));
subj[0].Add(new IntPoint(440/2,280));
subj[0].Add(new IntPoint(440/2,0));

//for clip, GraphicsPath object is defined properly by ellipse points by help of mouse events
GraphicsPath path=new GraphicsPath();

Paths clip=new Paths(1);
int scale=100;
Path clip2=new Path(path.PointCount);
foreach(PointF p in path.PathPoints)
  clip2.Add(new IntPoint((int)(p.X*scale),(int)(p.Y*scale)));
Paths solution=new Paths();
PolyTree polytree_solution=new PolyTree();
Clipper c=new Clipper();
Paths openp=Clipper.PolyTreeToPaths(polytree_solution);

1.I 想要 ct.Intersection 线条(主题)和圆圈(剪辑),但那没有发生 pic click here
2.Actual 在 PictureBox 上绘图 click here

如果您不提供代码的关键元素(特别是我们没有 m_rectArena 坐标的指示),则很难确定您的错误在哪里。


      Paths subj = new Paths(1);
      subj.Add(new Path());
      subj[0].Add(new IntPoint(0, 0));
      subj[0].Add(new IntPoint(440, 280));
      subj[0].Add(new IntPoint(440, 0));
      subj[0].Add(new IntPoint(0, 280));
      subj[0].Add(new IntPoint(440 / 2, 280));
      subj[0].Add(new IntPoint(440 / 2, 0));

      GraphicsPath gpEllipse = new GraphicsPath();
      Rectangle r = new Rectangle(40,40,360,360);

      Paths clip = new Paths(1);
      clip.Add(new Path());
      foreach (PointF p in gpEllipse.PathPoints)
        clip[0].Add(new IntPoint(p.X, p.Y));

      Clipper c = new Clipper();
      c.AddPaths(subj, PolyType.ptSubject, false);
      c.AddPaths(clip, PolyType.ptClip, true);
      Paths solution = new Paths();
      PolyTree solutiontree = new PolyTree();
      c.Execute(ClipType.ctIntersection, solutiontree, 
        PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd, PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd);
      solution = Clipper.OpenPathsFromPolyTree(solutiontree);

      //nb: you'll find SVGBuilder in SVG.cs in the sample code accompanying Clipper
      SVGBuilder svg = new SVGBuilder();
      svg.AddPaths(subj, Color.White, Color.Black, false);
      svg.AddPaths(clip, Color.FromArgb(0x18, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0), Color.Black, true);
      svg.PenWidth = 2.5;
      svg.AddPaths(solution, Color.White, Color.Red, false);
      svg.SaveToFile("c:\temp\test.svg", 640, 480, 20);
