如何在我的 Java 应用程序中查找内存泄漏

How to find memory leaks in my Java application

这是我上一个问题 HERE 的后续问题。我在我的 Java 应用程序中目睹了内存泄漏。最初,我认为泄漏来自我的应用程序的服务器组件。但按照其他人的建议,事实并非如此。


这是我的应用程序结构的一个简短片段(它每 15 分钟缓存一些文本数据以快速检索服务器线程)。

是什么导致了泄漏问题?以及如何从下面的转储中识别它? 显然我做 new Object()HashMap.put() 的方式有一些泄漏问题?!

首发class/main。在这里,我启动了 7 个主要 HashMaps,每个映射一个键(现在只有一个 - 最终将有 16 个键)到大约 4000 个单行 JSON 字符串的时间序列 NavigableMap

public class MyCache {
        static HashMap <String, NavigableMap <Long, String>> map1= new HashMap <String, NavigableMap <Long, String>> ();
        static HashMap <String, NavigableMap <Long, String>> map2= new HashMap <String, NavigableMap <Long, String>> ();
        static HashMap <String, NavigableMap <Long, String>> map3= new HashMap <String, NavigableMap <Long, String>> ();
        static HashMap <String, NavigableMap <Long, String>> map4= new HashMap <String, NavigableMap <Long, String>> ();
        static HashMap <String, NavigableMap <Long, String>> map5= new HashMap <String, NavigableMap <Long, String>> ();
        static HashMap <String, NavigableMap <Long, String>> map6= new HashMap <String, NavigableMap <Long, String>> ();
        static HashMap <String, NavigableMap <Long, String>> map7= new HashMap <String, NavigableMap <Long, String>> ();

        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    new Server();
    new Aggregation();

然后在 Aggregation() 中,我从 HTTP 资源中获取一些文本,将它们转换为 JSON 字符串,并将它们缓存在一些临时 NavigableMaps 中,然后将它们放入main HashMap(所以刷新不会对服务器造成太大影响)。

public class Aggregation {
    static NavigableMap <Long, String> map1Temp= new ConcurrentSkipListMap <Long, String> ();;
    static NavigableMap <Long, String> map2Temp = new ConcurrentSkipListMap <Long, String> ();
    static NavigableMap <Long, String> map3Temp= new ConcurrentSkipListMap <Long, String> ();
    static NavigableMap <Long, String> map4Temp= new ConcurrentSkipListMap <Long, String> ();
    static NavigableMap <Long, String> map5Temp = new ConcurrentSkipListMap <Long, String> ();
    static NavigableMap <Long, String> map6Temp = new ConcurrentSkipListMap <Long, String> ();
    static NavigableMap <Long, String> map7Temp = new ConcurrentSkipListMap <Long, String> ();

public Aggregation(){

// loop to cache last 15 mins
while (true) {
            logger.info("START REFRESHING ...");
    for (int i = 0; i < mylist.size(); i++) {
        long startepoch = getTime(mylist.get(i).time);
        MyItem m = mylist.get(i);
        String index=(i+1)+"";

        process1(index, m.name, startepoch);
        //adds to map1Temp
        process2(index, m.name, startepoch);
        //adds to map2Temp
        process3(index, m.name, startepoch);
        //adds to map3Temp
        process4(index, m.name, startepoch);
        //adds to map4Temp
        process5(index, m.name, startepoch);
        //adds to map5Temp
        process6(index, m.name, startepoch);
        //adds to map6Temp
        process7(index, m.name, startepoch);
        //adds to map7Temp

    //then `put` them in the main `HashMap` all at-once:
            MyCache.map1.put(channel, new ConcurrentSkipListMap <Long, String> (map1Temp));
            MyCache.map2.put(channel, new ConcurrentSkipListMap <Long, String> (map2Temp));
            MyCache.map3.put(channel, new ConcurrentSkipListMap <Long, String>(map3Temp));
            MyCache.map4.put(channel, new ConcurrentSkipListMap <Long, String>(map4Temp));
            MyCache.map5.put(channel, new ConcurrentSkipListMap <Long, String> (map5Temp));
            MyCache.map6.put(channel, new ConcurrentSkipListMap <Long, String> (map6Temp));
            MyCache.map7.put(channel, new ConcurrentSkipListMap <Long, String> (map7Temp));

//printing the size of all Hashmap entries. They don't grow :-/
logger.info("\t"+"map1.size(): "+MyCache.map1.get(key).size());
logger.info("\t"+"map2.size(): "+MyCache.map2.get(key).size());
//and other 5...        

//then clear the temp maps so they don't grow over and over
//sleep for 15 min until next caching cycle

内存分析器告诉您,您有 3 个庞大的 HashMap 数据结构,占用大约 8GB 的​​ RAM ...包括它们引用的闭包键和值对象。看起来它们可能是地图的地图。

