删除使用 TempFile 创建的锁定文件

Deleting a locked file created with TempFile

我有一个 GUI (lxn/walk) 应用程序修补程序,它通过 ftp 下载文件,将其流式传输到临时文件并提取内容以更新本地文件。删除文件命令被推迟。



现在我卡住了,不知道如何确保临时文件在没有补丁程序时自动消失 运行。我该怎么做才正确?


Now I’m stuck and don’t know what to do to make sure that the temporary file is automatically gone once the patcher is not running. How do I do that correctly?


一个常用的策略是在程序启动时检查上一个运行的状态。一些应用程序在启动时创建一个锁定文件,并在正常退出时将其删除。如果程序重新启动时此锁定文件存在,这意味着之前的 运行 没有导致干净退出,应用程序可以采取任何纠正措施。要采取的确切操作取决于应用程序的性质,有些拒绝启动,有些则向用户发出警告。

I would just like to ask too, where in windows is best to write a temporary file?

每个 OS 都有自己的临时文件位置。如果您消除 TempFiledir 参数,它将在适当的位置创建它,如 documentation:


TempFile creates a new temporary file in the directory dir, opens the file for reading and writing, and returns the resulting *os.File. The filename is generated by taking pattern and adding a random string to the end. If pattern includes a "*", the random string replaces the last "*". If dir is the empty string, TempFile uses the default directory for temporary files (see os.TempDir). Multiple programs calling TempFile simultaneously will not choose the same file. The caller can use f.Name() to find the pathname of the file. It is the caller's responsibility to remove the file when no longer needed.

os.TempDir 我们看到以下内容:

On Unix systems, it returns $TMPDIR if non-empty, else /tmp. On Windows, it uses GetTempPath, returning the first non-empty value from %TMP%, %TEMP%, %USERPROFILE%, or the Windows directory. On Plan 9, it returns /tmp.

The directory is neither guaranteed to exist nor have accessible permissions.